34 - Forever Mine

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A/N: Warning: Contains scenes of violent sexual assault. (Sorry - but vital to the storyline).


Percy knew something wasn't right.

I could tell by the way he looked at me.

"Darling, do you think you might be working too hard?" he asked, pointedly looking at the barely depleted pasta upon my plate. "Perhaps the classes are too much? Maybe we can see about reducing them?"

"No!" I said, almost too quickly, causing Percy to raise an inquisitive eyebrow.

It was a Saturday, and I'd just met Percy straight from the studio for lunch before we were to pick the rings up. The wedding was just five weeks away which meant only four weeks left of term.

Four weeks and then Draco would be out of my life for ever.

I closed my eyes as a wave of intense sadness swept over me. I suddenly felt horrendously afraid and alone.

Draco hadn't pushed the subject again since his confession in the kitchen, but he had made it clear he would be there for me if I ever needed him, acting extra attentive around me, the growing sadness and pity in his eyes becoming almost unbearable to witness.

"Oh, I forgot to mention," Percy said suddenly, thankfully not questioning me any further. "Mother wants us at the Burrow tomorrow for a little rehearsal dinner. I know we don't need one, but let's just humour her, shall we? She's ever so excited about welcoming you officially into the family, and it'll be good to spend a little time with our soon to be little godson, won't it?"

His eyes glinted expectantly at me from behind his horn rimmed glasses, and I nodded, feeling as though I had been offered a comfort blanket; a family gathering at the Weasley's was what I needed more than anything.

And also, to be around baby James. I felt a great stirring love whenever I looked into his darling face; his eyes full of an innocence and purity I almost envied.

"Splendid!" Percy said jubilantly, dabbing at the corners of his mouth with a napkin. "I'll let mother know as soon as we've picked up the rings. I think you'll like them by the way; I've added a little surprise touch to your one."

"Oh?" I said, trying to show some enthusiasm. "I look forward to that, Percy."

The 'surprise touch' turned out to be an inscription.

Percy beamed at me, bouncing on the soles of his feet as I slowly read the words.

My Poison Ivy. Forever mine.

I felt the bile rise instantly up from my stomach into my throat, and a sensation of the whole world closing in began to suffocate me.

"Well, try it on, try it on!" Percy said eagerly, impatiently grabbing it out of my hand and trying to force it on my finger himself.

It felt horrifically tight and uncomfortable and I was desperate to get it off, convinced that I'd be able to breathe better without it clamping around my finger.

"What's wrong? Doesn't it fit?" Percy asked as I wrenched it off of me and shakily placed it back down on the counter in front of a baffled looking shop assistant. "But we had it measured!"

"I can't do this," I trembled, shaking my head as I backed out of the shop. "I'm sorry, Percy. I just can't do this anymore."

The last thing I saw was Percy's bewildered face before I Apparated home.

He followed not long after.

"Ivy, darling, are you sick?" he asked, entering the kitchen where I was shakily pouring myself a glass of water from the tap. "You should have said. We could have gotten the rings another time. I'll phone mother and warn her that we might not be able to make it tomorrow, after all."

I closed my eyes, frustration washing over me. I had been so close... so close to telling him that I didn't want to marry him. But the moment had now passed and I found I had little strength left.

"No, don't tell her that. Please. I just need to go and lie down for a bit," I said, not meeting his eye as I passed him, praying he wouldn't take it as an invitation.

He didn't, thankfully. And, to my surprise, as I crawled into bed late that afternoon, sleep found me pretty well.

And then the horror began.

I had no idea what time it was when I woke up. But it was thick with darkness and a cold trickle of terror was running through my veins before I even registered what was happening.

Stiff grunts were sounding above my ear along with the sensation of something tugging at my clothing. A hand.

I gasped, trying to push the heavy weight on top of me off. As my eyes adjusted to the dark, I could make out Percy's angry, snarling face above my own.

"Percy, stop!" I cried as fear engulfed me, my hands lashing out, trying desperately to push him away.

He lifted a hand, violently slapping my cheek.


I couldn't help but cry out, the horrific stinging across my face causing my eyes to water in pain, "Please Percy, I don't want this. I'm not feeling well!"

But he didn't stop, and I felt weakened - both physically and emotionally - to do anything.

I lay sobbing helplessly as he continued his assault, praying it would be over as quickly as possible.

I waited until I could hear his steady snoring before I dared creep out of the room and across the landing to the bathroom.

Tears shook me so violently as I huddled curled up in the empty bathtub, that I was afraid I must somehow be broken. I was frightened, doomed, terrified of my fate.

All I could hear were Draco's words, and I knew he was right. Percy would never stop, and I knew I could no longer endure it.

Not knowing what else to do, and too frightened to step back into the bedroom in case I awoke him, I located some unwashed clothes I found in the laundry basket and crept out into the night.

I had no wand, shoes or gold; but somehow, in my heart, I knew it was time to get out.

And there was only one place I could think of to go.

I just prayed I had made the right decision.


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