25 - Saving Ivy

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Twenty Four Hours Earlier

"Ivy! Wait!" Draco called as she ran out of the building.

He felt panicked, cursing Potter for not allowing him a wand. He couldn't let Ivy go, couldn't let her go back to that monster.

But she went, Disapparating out of his reach before he could get to her.

He drove his hands frustratedly through his hair, desperately trying to figure out what to do. Should he tell someone? But who?

What he wanted to do was save Ivy. But he had no idea where she lived, and he had no means of magic of getting there even he did.

He tried to close his mind from the memory he had pulled from her. But he couldn't; it was too horrifying, too traumatising for him to shut it down.

He knew it had been wrong to do that without her permission, but he had been desperately worried about her; the things she was asking him about sex, the fear and the pain in her eyes.

Draco had always suspected there was something untoward with Weasley, that maybe he was slightly controlling over Ivy, but not this - never this.

Going back inside the studio, Draco poured himself another firewhisky whilst he tried to calm his nerves and think straight.

He kept replaying the disturbing image of Percy Weasley violently raping Ivy in his mind and it was making him so furious with anger that he smashed the tumbler against the wall in a fit of rage.

He wanted to kill him.

Actually, death was too good for him. What Draco really wanted to do was slowly torture him and force him to endure the pain and terror he had been putting Ivy through.

He didn't sleep that night, too incensed with rage. Instead, he stayed in the studio incase Ivy decided to come back, and when morning broke, he cleared up the mess he had made in the kitchen and then made his way to the Ministry.

Draco Malfoy had business that needed seeing to.


"Wand, please."

"I don't have one," Draco muttered, hating this part. There was nothing more emasculating than admitting you lacked such equipment.

The fat, balding middle aged wizard blinked up at him through thick rimmed glasses.

"Oh," he said, disapproval dripping from his voice as he realised who was standing before him, "of course you don't, Mr Malfoy."

Draco closed his eyes, trying to find patience. He needed to save his anger for what was coming, not waste it on this pathetic cretin.

"Please state your reason for visiting the Ministry today, and your intended destination," the man sighed, speaking in a bored manner.

"I'm here get reacquainted with an old school friend." Draco drawled, not being able to help the automatic curl of his lip. "I believe he is the head of the Department of Magical Transportation."

"Mr Percy Weasley?" the security guard enquired. "He never informed me was expecting anyone."

"It's a surprise visit."

"As far as I know, he's in meetings all day. You maybe in for a long wait."

"Oh, I'll wait, don't you worry." Draco sneered sinisterly. "I'm getting quite good at it these days."

He didn't know what his plan was. All he knew was that he wanted to confront that worthless piece of shit.

But as he spent hour after hour waiting in the visitors room of the the Department of Magical Transportation, he started to think.

Ivy was the number one priority here. If he confronted Percy about what he was doing, there was a strong possibility he could be putting her in even more danger.

Especially if she refused to leave him.

The other option was to actually kill the bastard, but then no doubt he'd get caught and most certainly be sentenced to the Dementor's Kiss.

But if it saved Ivy...

He sat back, tiredly rubbing his now heavily stubbled jaw. He was greatly out of his depth here. He wanted to offer her protection, to look after her. But there were only ten weeks left... and then what? If he broke the Vow and carried on protecting her, then he would die anyway.

The thought stirred something in him; the Vow... Ivy's classes...

"Shit," he hissed, much to the startlement of the other waiting visitors as he leapt to his feet.

He was late for class, damn it. He'd been so het up in wanting to confront Weasley that he forgot he was meant to be there for Ivy.

And that's when it hit it him. There was something he could do.

He could spend the next ten weeks helping Ivy to get herself free of that bastard. He would be there for her and support her in every way that he could, helping her to become strong and show her that she deserves better in life.

He would help her to learn to love herself, to show her what a beautiful, kind, amazing person she really is; because how could she honestly love herself when she allowed another human being to treat her this way?

And when those ten weeks were over, he hoped he would have done enough for her to be able to set herself free, and that one day maybe she will finally find someone that will love her and treat like she deserves.

And if he does not succeed, then he'll kill the bastard anyway.

Because one way or another, he, Draco Malfoy, was going to save Ivy.


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