35 - The Safest Place In The World

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I hesitated as my finger hovered over the keypad.

What if he wasn't alone? The humiliation would be too awful if I interrupted him in bed with another woman.

My mind raced over my other options; I was stranded in London without any means of transport other than my feet, which were already so sore and cut up from having no shoes.

I could go to the studio. But that made me nervous in case Percy tried to find me there the moment he discovered I'd gone.

There was also Ginny, who lived close by with Harry. But how could I face her admitting that I'd walked out on her brother? She'd want to know why, and I just knew I would never be able to bring myself to say the words out loud.

The other alternative was to return to Percy as if I had never tried to leave in the first place, but that thought filled with me a different kind of horror. I'd gotten this far; if I turned back now, I know I'd never leave.

But Draco was here, even if it was only for a short time, and not only that, he already knew - I would not need to explain anything to him; just accept the safety net that he had offered me.

So, taking a deep, trembling breath, I went ahead and punched in the numbers I had learnt by heart from the piece of paper he had given me.

Anxiety consumed me as the lift took me up to the penthouse. I realised too, that despite the long, agonising walk across the city, I was still shaking from what had just happened.

Except for the lights of the city shining in through the windows, the penthouse was in darkness as I stepped gingerly inside. Too afraid to turn on the lights, I waited until my eyes adjusted before limping my way over to the sofa.

I realised I had no idea of the time, and not only that, I had no idea how I'd ever fall asleep.

Tears coursed down my cheeks as I curled up into a ball on Draco's leather sofa, the realisation hitting me of what I'd just done.


I looked up, startled. Draco, who had emerged from a doorway, was stood in simply a pair of black boxer shorts, rubbing his eyes as if he'd just been woken from a deep slumber and was wondering if he was still dreaming.

"Draco," I said at once, sitting up as my heart hammered upon the sight of him. "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to disturb-"

"Oh fuck, oh no," he shuddered, his eyes widening in horror as he took in my state and realised exactly why I was there. "That bastard, that fucking bastard!"

"I didn't know where else to go," I sobbed, a fresh wave of tears spilling down my cheeks. I suddenly felt so ashamed and so disgusted with myself.

Draco practically flew across the room to me, diving down in front of where I was perched on the sofa, engulfing his arms around me.

I flinched at his state of near undress, it wasn't his fault, but my encounter with Percy was so raw on my mind that I just couldn't bear it.

"Shit, sorry," Draco said, backing off as he immediately clocked my discomfort. "I'll grab some clothes. Don't go anywhere, I'll be right back, okay? Ivy, look at me, you've done the right thing. You hear me? And I'm so fucking glad you felt you could come to me, believe me. I'm going to help you, Ivy. I promise you, I'm going to help you while I can."

He disappeared, returning less than two minutes later dressed in a pair of grey jogging bottoms and a dark green t-shirt.

I looked up at him, feeling suddenly horrendously self conscious. I wrapped my arms around myself, shivering.

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