41 - A Questionable Reunion

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"I hope you don't mind, but I've invited some old friends round tonight for drinks."

I looked up from where I was lounging on the sofa to see Draco straightening his tie as he emerged from the bedrooms; looking exceptionally dapper in a sharp black suit.

"What, now?" I asked, feeling my stomach twist uncomfortably; I wasn't exactly in a mingling mood, plus I looked and felt like crap, "you could have given me some warning!"

"You've got time," Draco shrugged, going to the fridge and pulling out a bottle of champagne. "Besides, if I gave you too much warning, you would have made an excuse not to be here."

"But who've you invited?" I asked, thinking that yes, he knew me too well.

"Just a couple of people," he said mysteriously, as he placed four empty flute glasses onto a tray, "you'll see."

The buzzer went, however, before I even reached the bedroom.

I quickly pulled a black dress down from the wardrobe, listening out as I heard the lift doors pinging opening, accompanied by a horrifyingly familiar female voice.

"Oh darling, wow! This place is just gorgeous! I can't begin to tell you how pleased I am that you finally invited me over."

What the hell was Draco doing inviting my sister round?

"Uh, hey Pansy," I heard Draco mumble uncomfortably as what sounded like lips smacking echoed out loudly.

Having given up on my attempt to tame my hair, I crept down the hallway, taking a deep breath as I dreaded what I was about to walk into.

"I have to say," Pansy spoke in alluring tones, her back to me as she pushed herself right up against Draco, dancing her fingers playfully through his hair, "you look absolutely scrumptious tonight, darling."

"Um... ah - Ivy! There you are!" Draco gushed, a look of relief sweeping over his face as he spotted me standing there.

Pansy span round on the spot, her eyes popping out in complete surprise.

"Ivy?" She spluttered, her jaw dropping open. "What are you doing here?"

"I'm sort of living here," I said, giving Draco a questioning look, "...temporarily."

"Surely not you and..." she trailed off as her face started to go puce, looking horrified between myself and Draco.

"Separate rooms," I said quickly, "whilst I sort myself out. I've left Percy, you see. Draco's just helping me out... as a friend."

"Oh," Pansy said, composing herself as she turned back to Draco, "well, that's rather admirable of you. I suppose she is like a little sister to you, you know - given our history." The pointed way in which she said this made my stomach knot unpleasantly. "So, what's tonight about then?"

"I thought it would be nice for Ivy if she could reconnect with her sister," Draco said, trying to avoid my furious glare. "The fallout from her broken engagement has left her... um... well-"

"You mean she's got no friends and you want to palm her off on someone else?" Pansy tittered, rolling her eyes at him conspiratorially.

"No!" Draco said immediately, glancing over at me guiltily. "I mean- I can't be around for much longer because of that damned Vow. I just don't want Ivy to be... alone..."

My heart gave a dull twist as his voice trailed away. Not meeting anyone's eyes, he swiftly strode back over to the kitchen island, muttering about getting the drinks.

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