44 - Sunday Morning

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I was greeted by the sight of a green t-shirt as I sleepily opened my eyes.

My face, I realised, was nuzzled against Draco's chest. I inhaled deeply, shivering delightfully as his scent hit me.

"Morning," a soft, sleepy growl sounded above my ear as arms tightened around my middle.

Butterflies swarmed my stomach the second I tilted my head up and was met with a pair of piercing silver grey eyes. I felt my face soften as a great warmth spread over me; my lips tugging into a smile that matched his own.

"Morning," I whispered back, and then quickly shut my mouth again; ultra fearful of morning breath.

He shook against me as he gave a soft chuckle, before pressing his lips down upon my forehead making me close my eyes in bliss.

"You know," he murmured softly, his early morning voice almost like a gentle purr, "seeing as it's a Sunday today, I thought we could have a lazy one."

"Doing what?" I asked, confused.

"Nothing, that's the point, Parkinson."

"Oh. Can I go to the bathroom?"

"Sure," he chuckled softly.

Reluctantly removing myself from his embrace, I climbed out from under the covers and practically ran to the bathroom, keen to get back to him.

I made sure to brush my teeth with extra vigilance.

When I arrived back to my room, however, it was to the discovery of an empty bed.

Trying to push down the stabbing disappointment, I decided to find some clothes so I could go and get dressed.

"No, Parkinson, what do you think you're doing?"

I spun round to see Draco walking through the door carrying two steaming mugs of coffee.

"Bed - now." He ordered, placing the coffees down on the bedside table and pointing to the bed spread.

I didn't argue. Grinning, I jumped back on the bed, closely followed by Draco who circled his arms back around my middle, pulling me tightly against him so that the length of my body ran along his.

I tilted my head up so our faces were practically touching. I could feel his breath on my lips and I found myself nervously sweeping my tongue across them.

"You're so beautiful," he murmured hoarsely. "I could look at you all day."

"I could say the same about you," I smiled, feeling my heart swell warmly as his silver eyes burned with such an intense look of desire.

I closed my eyes and gave a blissful sigh as he lifted a hand to delicately dance his fingers across my cheek. And when I felt the pad of his thumb brush softly over my lower lip, I couldn't help but shiver as a low burning sensation ripped through my stomach.

I had to fight the sudden desire to bite down on his thumb; to sink my teeth into his flesh and make him groan in pain.

The intensity of my desire was so strong that my eyes flew open as I let out a small sharp gasp.

"Shit, are you okay?" Draco frowned, swiftly removing his hand from my face and propping himself up on his elbow as his eyes flickered down at me in concern. "Is this too much?"

"No," I breathed at once, surprised at how breathless I sounded. "I mean - yes, I'm fine. I just... um... shall we drink our coffees?"

I found myself furiously blushing as I sat up. I didn't want to admit just how much in that moment I had wanted him. Not when the thought of sex was still terrifying to me.

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