58 - Saving Draco

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"Annie, it's okay, let them through."

Pansy and I simultaneously tore our eyes away from the receptionist's voluptuous cleavage to look gratefully at Harry who had suddenly appeared at his office doorway, no doubt wondering what the commotion was about.

"Finally," Pansy sniffed, grabbing my arm as she defiantly marched us past the disgruntled brunette who had been adamant that Harry Potter didn't take unexpected appointments.

We followed Harry into his office who proceeded to settle himself behind his desk, flicking his wand in the air to summon two more chairs to appear on the other side.

"I can only assume you are both here because of a certain blonde ferret?" He sighed wearily as Pansy and I took our seats.

"You call him that again and I'll hex your fucking dick off, Potter," Pansy spat, "and then they'll be no more little Potter's polluting the world."

"Too late for that," Harry shrugged nonchalantly, unaffected by my sister's threat, "Ginny's just found out she's pregnant again."

I couldn't help but notice the resigned expression that crossed his face once he said this though, as his shoulders gave a small, defeated sag.

"Well, I'd say congratu-fucking-lations," Pansy snarled, her lip curling into an ugly sneer, "but I'm afraid we're pressed for time. You see, you've wrongly sentenced an innocent man to a fate worse than death all because he was trying to rid the world of a fucking rapist; which, if you'd just done your job properly in the first place, he needn't have fucking had to!"

"HE STOLE MY WAND AND HEXED ME!" Harry bellowed, his jowls quivering in defiant fury.

"Pah," Pansy scoffed derisively, "that just proves you're a shit Auror, Potter. Stop being so petty just because Draco always has been, and always will be, a better wizard than you."

Harry went to open his mouth but I couldn't just sit here and take this anymore. Draco needed us and this childish arguing was getting us nowhere.

"Harry, please," I implored, leaning forwards to look him fiercely in the eye, "you know why Draco did what he did, I know you do. I can see it in your face. Percy raped me. He's been raping me for a long time, and Draco was only doing what you'd do if the same thing happened to Ginny."

Harry swallowed, the Adam's apple bobbing profusely in his throat. And what he said next, was not what I was expecting.

"Malfoy found out about your pregnancy," he said slowly, pausing to dart his eyes nervously towards Pansy, "Uh... perhaps maybe if I could have a private word-"

"Calm your fucking unicorns, Potter," Pansy drawled, rolling her eyes. "I know about the two of them."

"I take it this is why he went for Percy?" I asked at once, my heart suddenly racing furiously.

Harry coughed, shifting slightly in his seat before he continued. "He only found out because he was trespassing in my memories. His first reaction was to attack me before marching out and putting Percy in a coma. If he hadn't acted in his usual rash way, then I would have had time to explain to him about the possible impact your pregnancy may have on the Vow."

"The Vow?" I frowned, confusion hitting me, "what do mean by it? What impact?"

"If the baby is, in fact his," he murmured quietly, "it means Malfoy can continue to stay in your life."

Something funny happened inside of me; like a stirring inside of my stomach. In fact, it was such a definitive feeling that it caused me to gasp out loud as my hand flew to spot where I had felt it.

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