14 - The Muse

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I immediately jumped to my feet, my heart racing wildly in my chest.

Luckily, the white-blond haired Slytherin was not looking my way, instead appearing utterly fed up already as his date was greeted by an oblivious Bertie.

I watched as the Slytherin, in one fluid motion, grabbed a champagne flute off a passing waiter's tray and downed it in one, earning a exasperated glare from the woman on his arm.

Knowing it would only be a matter of time until Draco Malfoy would soon discover he was looking at many versions of himself plastered over the wall, I did the only Slytherin thing I could think of doing: I hot tailed it out of there.

I'll admit it; I'm a complete coward. The idea of such a humiliating confrontation was too much to bear. And not only that, but also in front of Percy and a beautiful woman who appeared to be Draco's girlfriend.

So I hid in the kitchen.

It was about ten minutes later when I heard the shouts and screams, accompanied by sounds of glass shattering. I tentatively poked my head out from around the door.

But before I could see what was causing such a commotion, a co-artist of one of the other exhibits, Betty, came bustling breathlessly over to me.

"Ivy!" She panted; her plump face red with exertion. "Your lovely pictures... he- he's tearing them all down!"

"What is-? Who is-?" I asked, utterly bewildered.

But even as I asked this, I knew.

Shakily stepping out into the gallery, I made my way over to the crowd that had gathered in the corner where my exhibit was displayed.

And sure enough, as I pushed through the tightly knitted pack of people; all of whom were either gasping or watching on in stunned silence, there was Draco angrily ripping each framed drawing of himself off the wall and smashing them to the ground, cutting his hands as he tore the parchment out from behind the glass and shredded each picture between his long white fingers.

His face was set in a furious pink scowl; spit snarling from his thin angry lips. I had never seen him look so enraged in my life.

"What the absolute fuck-?" he was bellowing, grabbing yet another picture and giving it the same treatment as the previous drawings. "What the fucking hell IS this?!"

Everyone seemed too terrified to do anything. The woman who I had assumed had been his date was stood looking horrified at him. When she tried to touch his elbow to pull him away he furiously shook her off.

"Back off, Jane!" He snarled, glaring daggers at her. "This has nothing to do with you!"

"It's Jade!" She snapped.

"Whatever," Draco muttered, turning his attention to the next picture.

Giving him one last disdainful look, Jade shook her head and turned on the spot, storming away.

It was only when the crowds parted to reveal none other than Harry Potter had I realised that someone must have called in reinforcements.

"Malfoy!" Harry bellowed authoritatively, flicking his wand instantly in Draco's direction, causing invisible handcuffs to restrain his wrists together. "I am detaining you for criminal damage to personal property. If Mr Monet is happy to go ahead and press charges, then I will more than happily throw away the key this time!"

I couldn't hide any longer. Pushing myself out into the opening, I managed to reveal myself before Bertie, who had stepped up next to Harry, could say anything.

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