42 - Listen To Da Man

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Thankfully, much to Draco's relief, Pansy's suggestion of spin the bottle came to nothing.

There was only one person he wanted to kiss, and he certainly didn't want to do it as a result of a childish game.

Draco was starting to think he'd made a mistake in inviting Pansy round. His idea was that she and Ivy could reconnect, giving her some family to lean upon when he could no longer be there for her.

But it occurred to Draco quickly enough that Pansy wasn't actually a very nice sister to Ivy. How he had not noticed that in the past baffled him.

There was sisterly love there, yes, but she couldn't seem to help but put Ivy down in every other sentence, and even worse than that, Ivy let her.

Pansy clearly had a lot of insecurities of her own where Ivy was concerned, and he supposed he may have had a lot to do with them; after all, he knew Pansy had always been into him much more than he ever had been with her during their Hogwarts days of 'dating'.

He felt rather ashamed to admit it now, but all Pansy had ever been to him was someone he could release his teenage hormones onto. The fact that she had been willing to let him fuck her was the only reason he strung her along for as long as he did.

And the whole time he had been unknowingly falling for her sister, and probably wasn't all too subtle about it either.

He had been a shitty human being, Draco thought heavily as he watched Ivy sadly from across the room sitting in between Pansy and Blaise. And now he was majorly paying the price.

Two weeks, just two weeks left, and he was finding it increasingly difficult to keep his control around her. He was desperate to just grab her and kiss her and make earth shattering love to her. He wanted to spend every last remaining minute they had left together fused to her; touching her; just being with her.

But he was afraid he'd never be able to let her go then; never be able to stand the pain of knowing she could move on with someone else - someone else who could give her the world.

Unlike him.

His eyes rested on his only true male friend; Blaise. He wondered how he'd feel if Ivy took up with him; he couldn't help but notice how happy and comfortable she looked in Blaise's company.

But then again, everyone often did. Blaise had that special way with people; a likeable quality that both men and women were drawn to.

A nasty burning sensation ripped through his stomach as he pictured Ivy and Blaise together; touching... kissing... fucking.

No. He already couldn't bear it. No matter what, Ivy felt like his.

And he felt like hers.

Which is why, every time Pansy touched him, he couldn't help but glance guiltily over at her; wishing that Pansy would just keep her fucking hands to herself.

He had no idea how he'd ever be able to move on himself; the idea of even looking at another woman felt like cheating to him now. All he saw, all he wanted, all he yearned for was Ivy.

Life was just not fucking fair.

"Hey Drac," Blaise murmured smoothly as he joined Draco out on the balcony later that evening, "you going to be alright, man?"

He'd needed air, Pansy wouldn't stop crowding him and her constant screeching in his ear was giving him a headache.

"No," Draco answered honestly as he leant on the railings, looking down across the lit up city, "I don't think so. Not until I know that Ivy's going to be okay, you know?"

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