36 - Cold Showers

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As soon as he woke up, Draco tightened his arms around the sleeping girl in his embrace, scarcely believing she was there with him.

He couldn't help but bury his face in her hair and deeply inhale her scent. Words could not describe the joy he felt that she had finally saved herself. And not only that - she had turned to him.

And then almost immediately, he froze.

For he had the biggest boner straining through his jogging bottoms, prodding into Ivy's thigh.

Shit. He couldn't let her wake up to that, not after what she'd been through. He wanted her to feel safe, to show her that she could trust him implicitly.

Of course, it wasn't his fault how his body reacted to her, but he knew she was horrifically damaged when it came to sex and Draco just wanted to protect her. The last thing he wanted her to think was that he'd only invited her to stay so that he could take advantage of her.

So, slowly, and very reluctantly, he rolled away to the edge of the bed, careful not to wake her.

As he looked back down at her, he felt his heart give a horrific twist at the thought of what she had endured. He literally had to stop himself from physically shaking in anger every time he thought about that worthless piece of shit. Draco didn't care if he was sick in the head, nothing excused hurting Ivy like that. Nothing.

He wanted to go round there and rip his head off. He wanted to cause him immeasurable pain and suffering just like he'd done to Ivy.

But he wouldn't, not yet at any rate; not while Ivy needed him more. He'd be here for her as much as he could.

And then, when he could no longer be in her life, he'd strike. And he'd take great pleasure in it too.

Resisting the temptation to lean down and press his lips against her forehead, he turned towards the door and quietly slipped out.

He headed straight to the bathroom and had his morning piss before stepping into the shower. He thought about jerking off, but then decided that was too crass with Ivy sleeping in the next room.

Especially when it would be her he would be thinking about.

So he made the shower as cold as he could stand and tried to rid his mind of sex. Ivy needed him and this was not the time to be getting horny.

He was in the kitchen making coffees when he realised it was already late morning; almost lunchtime. Thanking Merlin that it was a Sunday and there were no classes that needed attending to, Draco decided to let Ivy continue to sleep in.

He'd fix her some scrambled egg on toast for when she woke up; that should sort them both until the evening.

As he thought this, his eyes cast upwards towards the door that led to the bedrooms, and a funny sensation stirred in the pit of his stomach. It wasn't unpleasant in the slightest. On the contrary, the idea that Ivy was here, with him, and that she was going to walk through that very door made him feel the happiest he had ever felt since... well- ever.

And then he immediately felt a huge wave of stabbing shame - she had been raped. And here he was acting as if they were on their sodding honeymoon.

A horrific, cold realisation rained down upon him - colder than the shower he had just had. They had four weeks; just four weeks left.

There would never be a honeymoon, nor indeed, a happy ever after for them.

He needed to get all thoughts of romance out of his head and concentrate on helping her find the strength to be able to go on without his support.

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