interrupting his stream

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living in a house filled with twitch streamers had its ups and downs but one of the best moments everyone shared was being able to easily stream together and interrupt each other's streams for fun

although you are the only one in the house who wouldn't do it on purpose, you always found it entertaining seeing what the guys would do to each other.

even the viewers knew that at any moment someone would possibly come into the room dressed in a costume or join the discord call to say something unusual and unbelievably close to the mic

for example, today fitz decided to stream and immediately before starting he informed the group chat to not bother him which was mainly intended for everyone but you

during most of his streams, he would text you asking you to bring him food so, you would sneak in quietly to drop him off a plate and sometimes say a quick hi because his viewers would catch you

luckily he wouldn't have much of an interruption today since the only people home were you, him, and swagger who came home jet-lagged that same day.

you decided to watch his stream on the living room tv while you scrolled through your phone interacting with people on twitter since you had nothing better to do while you waited for his stream to end

minutes past and you decide to get up and bake some cookies because everything on your timeline somehow became food related

while waiting for your cookies to finish baking, a package of clothes you ordered online arrived making it a win-win day for you, getting cookies and new clothing

seeing as the cookies had 5 minutes left you ran up to your room to try on one of the items.

being that you aren't one to usually show off your body since you'd normally be home wearing comfortable clothes, you decide to buy a dress to switch it up and potentially leave it in your closet forever with the other ones

you put it on, brushed your hair and slipped on some socks because you didn't have any other reason to put any other thing on your feet

looking at yourself in the mirror feeling a mixture of emotions on the way it looked on you even though it looked beautiful and fit your body perfectly.

interrupting your thoughts was the timer from the oven, being scared that if you changed the cookies would burn you quickly made your way downstairs to take them out

instantly receiving a text from fitz saying "did you make something?" you looked up at the tv which still played his stream and saw as he placed his phone back down while still clearly being on your messages

you texted him back saying that you baked cookies and that you'd bring him some

as you grabbed a plate he received a donation saying "are you texting y/n?" you laughed and waited for cams response

"i- what... how would you guys know that." he stammered while turning off his phone and pushing it to the side so it wasn't on screen anymore

another donation came in saying "please tell
y/n i said hi!" he quickly became nervous and didn't know what to say especially as more and more donations kept coming in about you

you decided to tease him and donate yourself, seconds went past and finally your donation came in "hi dad" he sighed and smiled

the chat filled with them saying how you were the mom and dad of the group, how they thought it was cute that you were watching his stream, and how he was getting shy as you continued to be brought up

"please bring me my cookies woman," he said close into the mic. you grabbed the plate and seconds later knocked on his door letting him know that you were about to come in

"cookies!" you said as you closed the door behind you holding the plate close to cam so he could grab it

without noticing how surprised he was, you placed the plate of cookies on his desk and as you were walking away he grabbed your hand pulling you to where you were almost on screen

"do you realize what you're wearing?" he asks as he looks at you up and down

you completely forgot that you were still in the dress, embarrassed you tried walking backward to leave but he wouldn't let you

"please let us see y/n," a donation said

so fitz signaled for you to come on screen so you could say hi to his viewers "i'm shy..." you whisper

confused he asks "why?" so you point to your dress and he shook his head pulling you so you would be on-screen "guys look at how good y/n looks!" fitz smiled and the chat started to fill up with a lot of positive things.

a donation came in for $100 and it said "cam how much do i have to pay you to take y/n out on a date." which instantly made you smile

"i'll take her on one for free," he responded and you sat on his lap since you weren't going anywhere for a while

you stayed for half of the stream reacting to videos with him and his chat

"i'll be going, i don't want to take up your whole stream." you told him as you got up and stretched your legs and before he was able to talk another donation came in that only said "kiss" which caused the both of you to laugh

seeing as you two were already dating but the fans weren't fully sure of it yet he covered his camera and pulled you in for a kiss uncovering it after and poking fun at his chat by saying "now you'll never know if we kissed or not."

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