talking about u

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cameron and the rest of the group ended the podcast they recorded and all went out to get something to eat together

you on the other hand just got home from a collaboration you were doing with one of your close friends.

as you reach your bedroom cameron called letting you know he'd be home soon with food, in the background, you could hear swaggers voice as he shouted at mason which was nothing new

having nothing else better to do you decide to catch up on your upload schedule and edit a video you planned to leave for later, easily getting distracted as your phone chirped with a notification from twitter about today's podcast being out now

you decided to give it a listen as you worked so you opened up spotify and played the podcast

about 30 minutes have passed where the group constantly go from subject to subject leaving you amazed as to how their brains can process having ten conversations at once

thankfully you finished editing so you put on your earphones and kept listening as you clean around the house

"dude, it's weird going to places like twitchcon because of all the people there. it drives me crazy." zuckles speaks finally adding into the conversation

"like, i like going obviously because it's nice meeting fans but it's just so strange," he added

swagger hummed and said, "i remember the second twitchcon we all went to was when we first met y/n."

quietly you could hear toby laugh and go "uh oh, you've trigger fitz." everyone laughed knowing that he loved talking about you even though he'd tend to hold back not wanting to annoy anyone

"she was so shy dude." swagger chuckled

"it was so cute though," he added and clearly took a sip of a drink shortly after as you could hear him gulp close to the mic

"i was surprised that she decided to do her face reveal that same day, i didn't expect that at all." toby said "god, she's so fucking beautiful." fitz sighed and the rest of the group hummed in agreement

"you got lucky you got to her first." zuckles joked

cam chuckled and replied "if anything i'm lucky no one else got to her first." suddenly silence and the sound of shuffling came filled the podcast "sorry about that, i spilled my drink." swagger said as calmly as he possibly could

"you guys would talk on discord and stuff right, is that how you guys met?" eric asked as he tried to continue the conversation

"we'll we followed each other on twitter before i hit one million and we would reply to each other's tweets and sometimes talk over dms. eventually, we decided to play a game together and then after that, we would always get on calls or text all the time." cam answered

"oh my gosh, i remember that video. she was actually so good, she pretty much carried you the whole game." swagger laughed making fun of fitz

soon shooting back he replied, "carried me, no, i was being nice and let her win."

his joke caused you to roll your eyes as you both knew that wasn't true "what do you mean, she used to carry us on cs: go all the time. she's actually really good." eric responded

"yeah, yeah, i got lucky... what can i say, she couldn't resist me." cam joked

minutes passed and they decided to have a small intermission as swagger needed to clean his spill so mason talked about something strange that he somehow found interesting

"thank you for listening, my segment is over." mason spoke close to the mic as he finished

"do you plan on marrying y/n?" toby asked fitz and it certainly shocked him as it took a few seconds for him to reply " where did this question come from?" he questioned

"well, i'm just wondering. plus that's my girl and you've guys have been together for about three years now," she answered

"i've been wondering too..." eric mumbled

that caused you to smile as eric was your favorite of the group and it clearly showed that he cared a lot about you as you were like his little sister.

"eventually yes, i just don't know when i want to do it so..." fitz replied quietly

"aw, he's all shy. y/n makes fitzy shy!" mason cackled which resulted in the others laughing with him "guys, fitz loves her a lot. like you already know that he loves her but he is genuinely head over heels for this girl and it's understandable." toby said

you blush as minutes go by and the group continues to purposely bring up scenarios to make it where cam could speak of a moment the two of you shared

as the podcast slowly came to an end swagger spoke "i'm so thankful for y/n, not only for making cam happy but for helping us grow all together. she's one of the best people you could ever know." this got a response of "agreed" and "that's true" from the rest of group

"we love you y/n!" fitz said and the rest quickly said it too

the podcast ended and as if it were on cue you heard the front door unlock which was cam finally home with food "babe, i'm here!" he yelled, you ran out of your bedroom and got to him as fast as you could giving him a big hug and many kisses

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