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it was one of those days again...

one of those days where you felt like your world was falling apart, you wanted to cry, shout and throw a tantrum to try to get rid of all the pain you had inside but you couldn't

you didn't want anyone to worry about you or know what you were going through, so you kept your problems to yourself

for weeks you tried to unwind, fix your schedule, take a break from the internet to see if that would've helped but it didn't.

after a long day of prerecording a podcast you were the first one to enter the house and the others slowly followed behind you, you couldn't wait to take a bath in hopes that it would calm you down

rushing to the bathroom, turning the water on, and touching it waiting for it to get warmer.

once you felt the heat you smiled softly and started undressing, you made sure the bathroom door was locked not wanting to be interrupted while trying to calm down, you got into the bath and closed your eyes

seconds later you opened them, bored and most certainly not as relaxed as you hoped

enough was enough, you drained the water and took a proper shower which somehow helped more than the bath.

when you finished you walked to your closet and without looking you grabbed a random shirt and some shorts. staring at yourself in the mirror while fixing your hair you realized it was one of cameron's shirts which caused a small smile to appear

your phone dinged so you grabbed it off of your desk to take a quick look, it was the guys joking around in the group chat. it made you happy that they felt better than you did

it was 9:28 pm, a sigh escaped your mouth as you finally placed your feet on the main floor of the house. you walked passed the guys who were all on the couch either talking or playing on the tv to the kitchen to grab a water and go to the backyard

as you closed the glass door behind you, you looked at the pool and watched as the lights were on and gradually changing color, it was one of your favorite things of this house

it sounds stupid but you enjoyed listening to music and watching the lights changed, it comforted you

hearing the loud laughs coming from the guys it brought you back to reality, reminding you that you weren't as happy as you deserved to be

you stared at the sky and noticed the moon and stars were out, you made your way to the gates that divided your houses from the neighbors and you put your hands on the cold gates gripping them slightly as you shut your eyes enjoying the cool breeze that came every now and then

you opened your eyes as you heard the neighbors step into their backyard laughing with their kids following behind slowly

they looked over to you and waved while smiling, you did the same

you walked to the side of the house making sure that none of the guys noticed and started climbing up the ladder that leads to the roof of the house

not realizing you left your phone inside you groaned as you couldn't find it in your pockets, sitting down and closing your eyes to take a deep breath to help your nerves calm down

finally having time to yourself, you cried. thinking of all the emotions you kept inside not wanting anyone to see it, letting all the pain go in the form of tears

sobbing softly not wanting to be heard, your nose clogged up making you have to breath out from your mouth, you finally took your hands from off of your eyes to take a glimpse at the sky and let the breeze hit you in hopes for it to calm you, as tears continued to fall out of your eyes

you shut your eyes once more and sat there in silence, enjoying being on the roof and watching the stars even if you were crying nonstop

hearing noises you opened your eyes to see cameron sitting down right next to you

he smiled slightly and brought his hand to wipe a tear-off of your face "put this on, you must be freezing." he was right, you were extremely cold but you didn't want to go inside knowing that there would be a chance the guys would see you with red teary eyes

you slipped on the hoodie and soon realized how it fit big on you as it was one of cameron's hoodies "thank you." you told him

it was quiet for a few minutes until he broke the silence "how long have you been up here for?" he asked shyly, not wanting to break and cry more you looked up at the stars and slowly answered "for about an hour or so, i'm not sure."

cameron frowned and pulled you towards him so your head laid on his chest

"i know that you're sad y/n, but i want you to talk to me about how you're feeling. i want to help you and i'm sure the others want to help you too. i don't like seeing you like this, i feel horrible because you deserve better than to go through all this." he spoke, his eyes became watery

tears streamed down your face again, which was the one thing you didn't want to let happen again

you looked down covering your face feeling ashamed and not wanting cam to see you the way you were

he scooted from where he was to be in front of you, slowly he removed your hands from your face and grabbed your chin making you look at him directly in his eyes

"i love you," he said then kissed you

shocked and happy, you kissed back and put your hands on his face gently caressing his cheek "i love you too." you told him as the kiss was broken

he grabbed your hands and squeezed them softly "please, y/n remember, we're here for you. you can always come to us, we love you— me...a little more than the rest but hey, you be the judge of that."

you both laughed at his dumb joke and continued to sit on the roof talking and enjoying each other's presence


tried to do something... kinda sad, so i don't seem cliche and boring to you for constantly doing happy stuff— anyways, let me know if you liked this and if i should keep writing... slightly sad ones (i have some ideas) !!

hope you're all doing well!!

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