can't believe it: part three

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"how about we take a nap." you suggest as the group tries to figure out what to do next. "or we could go get food." mason proposes

"i fuck with that," you whisper as you get up to throw away a bag of chips that you finished eating

"can we get mcdonald's please." swagger begs

immediately ryan shot up from his place on the couch and walk towards the door "who's coming with?" he asked "i'm staying, i'll text mason what i want." you told them as you pulled out your phone to do just that

everyone else but cameron decided to leave leaving you two alone once again

"hey, what are your @'s so i can follow you.." you told him while scrolling through your instagram feed

he took out his phone and handed it to you as it was open on his twitter account. shocked you shook your head "what?" he asked confused

"we already follow each other, we've literally interacted so many times on twitter and instagram, we even gotten on discord calls together...why have i never noticed this." you laugh and click on the dms between you and him on twitter

you gave him your phone "look.." and after a few seconds his eyes widen

"ooh, so that's you? when everyone would bring you up i didn't know what your @'s were so i just assumed you didn't use social media like that. especially since your media's don't have your name anywhere." he said

you laughed slightly "that's because we've mainly interacted off my second twitter and on calls, everyone had a joke where they'd call me different names for a was really weird i don't know."

that's why he seemed so familiar...when you realized that fitz was the guy you interacted on twitter with a lot it was exciting to finally meet him, especially since having chat with him a lot you've developed feelings for him

you'd always interact by replying to each other's jokes, bonding over dad jokes that you both told, and from time to time you would flirt on the timeline and over dms

as that has gone on for almost a year now it's strange how you both never thought that you were talking to each other but you weren't disappointed

"oh god..." you heard him groan

"what's up?" you asked as he snapped you out of your thoughts "i'm reading our dms and i just saw a text where i said some pickup line to you, i am so sorry," he said while shaking his head

you snickered "shut up, it was really cute. i liked your pick up lines." from the corner of your eye you saw him smile which gave you butterflies to your stomach

about an hour or so passed of fitz and you switching conversations and bonding over something you both enjoyed, the rest of the crew finally came back from mcdonald's

you got up from the position that you were in on the couch which was next to fitz to get your food "finally, what took you so damn long." you complained. swagger sighed and said, "the guy working knew us and bet mason that he could eat more cheeseburgers than him and they did it."

intrigued you say "...well are you going to tell me who won or what." groaning as he didn't tell you "i did!" mason smiled

shocked but not surprised you gave him a round of applause then was handed your food

"did you guys know that cam and i already knew each other?" you announced and from the corner of your eye saw ryan slap his head

"you guys just now realized this?" he questioned

"we thought you knew that already" he laughed
and swagger shook his head "wouldn't it have been obvious when we were all on calls and you and cam would laugh at each other's jokes... god you guys are dumb." swagger said

"it's your faults that you have the joke where i have sixteen different names he didn't know who i was," you replied in an attempt to defend yourself

"y/n and cameron... we talked over discord you have the same user why didn't you guys figure this out." toby says adding into this very embarrassing moment

you puckered your lips and turned away from them so you could eat your food

minutes went by where everyone talked about what they had planned and what to do next and out of nowhere ryan hummed loudly

everyone looked over to him wondering what he was going to say but made us wait until he finished chewing his food "oi, doesn't fitz have to kiss y/n..." he smiled

that's when you remembered when fans realized that you and fitz would interact on twitter one of the boys got onto the misfits twitter account and tweeted something along the lines of "if this tweet gets 30k likes fitz will kiss @/*your twitter user*"

you weren't surprised when you saw this tweet because you and fitz would constantly joke about kissing each other

so when you saw it you replied "i get it fitz, you want to kiss me. you don't have to make it obvious" to which he replied with a shocked emoji and "dammit you got me."

but it's been about a month since that tweet so you completely forgot about it

you had no understanding of how ryan remembered that even existed, eventually, the conversation switched to something else and you wandered your way up to your room since you wanted to organize your things

an hour passed and you sat on your bed scrolling through your media while listening to music, very very bored

that is until you got a message from cam telling you how he got your number from toby and how you could come to his room if you wanted, you waited a few before you replied you got up and texted him you will then headed to his room

his door was closed so you knocked on the door, you heard shuffling and then a few seconds later he opened it

"hi." he smiled, you smiled back and walked in

"did the guys go somewhere? it's awfully quiet." you laughed and he nodded his head, "i think they're getting something..." he was saying but stopped looking you in the eyes

he laughed trying to shy away from what happened "...from our dealer." he added then broke contact and you nodded your head


a few hours have passed where you and cam were hanging out around the house going from the backyard, living room, kitchen, your room then back to his.

"you have a nice view in your room," you told him as you looked outside his big window

"...yeah, it's pretty nice," he whispered

silence filled the room as the both of you were looking out the window enjoying each others presence and the view

you felt his hand creep on your face and slowly turn it, you watched as he looked you directly in the eye and slowly looked down at your lips he wasn't going to back down from giving you this kiss

he and you both wanted this and he wasn't going to stop until he got it

he turned his head and started leaning in so you did the same until your lips finally touched and as cliche as it sounds, it was magical and you both never wanted it to end

you brought yourself closer to him and as the kiss slowly ended he kissed you again before letting you go

"...i might have to tweet that out again." he laughed

you shook your head and kissed him again "you won't have to tweet it out if i give you permission to do it whenever you want." leaving him blushing

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