can't believe it: part one

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"y/n, wake up." you hear, opening your eyes instantly groaning and flipping to your left side

"y/n, it's 3 pm over here and i'm bored." toby complains over the walkie talkie

you grab the watch and press on it so you could start responding to her "what does that have to do with me i'm all the way in the states." you argue while finally getting out of the comfort of your bed and as soon you take your hand off the button she calls you over facetime

"good morning sunshine," she tells you while crossing her arms

"i apologize, i got no sleep last night i was up editing a video," you explain to her while you place the last pillow on your bed "hey, at least my bed is done!" you smile

"i'm booking you a flight to come over here," she tells me with determination in her voice

"or i'll come up there with the boys so you finally get to meet them" she shrugs

"oh, please no. last time you came with mason all i heard was him constantly complaining about how he hates america" you tell her and walk to the bathroom

you both talk for a few more minutes then eventually hang up

you do your usual routine and grab your towel to cover yourself as you make way to your closet. grabbing an oversized sweatshirt, putting on your favorite jeans, some socks, and some sneakers then shortly running to your mirror to fix your hair.

liking the way you looked you grabbed your phone and made your way downstairs. as you got to the last step you start getting a call

"hello ryan." you groan as a joke "this is not how you talk to the man who manages you," he replies

"anyways, i heard you're coming to au." he adds "apparently, toby said that she's booking me a flight but i know it's going to be you" you giggle

"do you want me to cancel your flight?" he whines "no, no, no. speaking of which, when am i going?" you ask as you make way to the kitchen

"would you be mad if i book it for 4?" ryan questions with worry in his tone

"4 what, ryan. you're next words better be 4 in the afternoon my time," you warn him "don't kill me, but your flights at 4 am" he replies

"ryan, i'm going to murder you." you sigh

"you might as well start getting ready to go now. i wanted you to get here at a reasonable time and since you got loads of sleep last night might as well just say fuck it and get it over with," he informs you

"you come here so often, you might as well live here. the extra room in the house is literally yours, i don't understand why you don't just sell your house. besides, you need friends and people to get you out of your comfort zone and all those people are in the au." ryan argues

"of course you would say that." you scoff "well, did i lie?" ryan asks

"shut up, ryan," you respond while you squint your eyes even though he can't see it

"come on, everyone here agrees," he complains

"i don't even know everyone there!" you say while going over all the people that live there in my head

"the only person who you haven't met is fitz and it's because he's always doing some shit so he's never home and whenever he is home you're in the states," ryan argues

"shut up, ryan!" you whine

"i'm right and you know it. your flight is supposed to get here around the afternoon, i'll see you soon. text me when you arrive." he says then instantly hangs up

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