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you woke up from the sudden noise from downstairs but not wanting to get up knowing it was the guys messing around you turned over to face a sleeping cameron.

now being fully awake you laid there next to him

you looked at all the things that surround both of your bodies but then stopped to stare at him. you accepted your lover, both his virtues and flaws.

the highs and the lows. all the flaws.

moving your hand to caress his cheek softly thinking back to the times that you were scared to be accepted in relationships 'will he love my true self? will he love all the things that i do when nobody's looking?'

thinking of all the moments you and cameron shared, alone, and around people.

you knew you had love for him but you questioned if you loved this boy for the wrong things, such as his looks and money.

believing that you should be able to love him for what was what's on the inside, not the outside.

you loved him for the right reasons, you just had to make sure. you were constantly consulted by friends that told you to let him show you what he had on the inside so that you knew that he had what it takes for you to love him.

you were mutuals for a long time until one day he messaged you asking if you wanted to play with him.

you didn't know each other too well at the time but that didn't stop you since you wanted to be friends with him but didn't know how to approach him. now that night was a night you'll always remember.

it was obvious that you and your him weren't perfect.

you'd both had good and bad days. even though you were across the world you were both aware that you were meant for each other.

after a few years of being friends and of constant flirting you decided that it was time to visit. once it was time to go your relationship status changed.

you'd constantly assured each other that you'd love one another without limits.

everyone has their differences and you're never going to be perfect, accepting, and understanding that, especially in a relationship, makes room for real, genuine love. which is what you have for each other.

even when he is upset, angry, drunk, or is hard to be around, you'd always be there for him and he'd do the same for you.

this boy has your full permission to be himself, even when being himself is not what others want.

he'd always apologized when he did something that he thought you wouldn't like or when he simply was just being himself and you told him that he didn't have to apologize to be accepted for who he was around you.

you loved him without judgment.

you kissed his forehead softly as you got out of bed softly to brush your teeth and shower.

jumping in to feel the warm water run down your body. reminding you of the rain that sometimes pushes you back, but luckily having cameron around he can turn it into a sunny day.

you grabbed your toothbrush and toothpaste and began brushing your teeth, you looked outside of the bathroom to see if was still sleeping but there was rummaging noises coming from the closet so that told you that he was awake.

soon you finished brushing your teeth and headed downstairs by yourself to get some water. "good morning!" you greeted toby, matt, and ryan as they sat on the living room couch watching tv.

they greeted back and continued their conversation shortly after.

you grabbed two bottles of water knowing that cameron wouldn't be down for a while and walked back up the stairs.

one often hides their flaws in order to look good to their lover scared because they are unsure if they'd love them when their true self is finally shown.

that was never an issue for you and him.

you shut the bedroom door behind you, fixed the bed while listening to the water from the shower that he was taking fall.

"i brought you a water," you tell him

he yanked the curtain open and stared at you "jesus woman, don't scare me like that." you laughed at his reaction and quickly apologized after

you went back to your bed and sat there as you waited for him to finish

your phone went off multiple times because you received multiple messages from toby "was just looking through my camera roll. look at these pictures that i just found! you and cam look so cute!"

smiling at her text, you opened the message and looked through the pictures.

they were pictures from when you guys first met and other random pictures that toby took of the both of you together.

you frowned as you looked through them realizing that you've gained a little bit of weight. the bed sunk down next to you "no way, are those old pictures of us?" fitz asked excitedly, you nodded and handed him the phone

he instantly began giving you compliments and talking about how nervous to be around you.

"gosh, i remember that day. you looked so pretty, i wanted to kiss you so bad but i didn't know if i should've," he confessed

you smiled softly "i've gained weight."

almost as if you made a rude comment about him he began to quickly defend you "so what? i think you still look as beautiful as the first day that i met you and if anything you've gained happy weight."

he poked your side and as the dad of the group that he is he held a finger to your face "say something like that again and... well, i don't know what i'll do. just don't say something stupid like that. i love the way you look, i always have and always will."

cameron kissed the side of your head and continued scrolling through the pictures

"i love you unconditionally."


hiya, i've been on writer's block

also, i apologize that these aren't very much accurate to cam and how he acts i've always been bad at doing that. i just like to assume that he'd be a little nicer/ different to his girlfriend lol

i know my oneshots are kinda weird too so i apologize for that as well. they aren't quick to the point or anything. i like making them feel your reading a real multiple chapter story even though it's just a oneshot.

okay that's enough apologizing from me, bye for now :)

also, i didn't reread this so please excuse any mess ups or any sentences that make no sense. ty !!

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