podcast flirt

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"now go, go, go!" matt shouted into his mic for you to leave

you were having a really busy day and luckily finished your video with matt just in time for you to get going to the podcast recording

you said a quick "bye" ended the discord call and shut off your computer immediately after

checking the time on your phone as you grabbed the hoodie that was laying on your bed it was exactly 4 pm. sprinting downstairs and even faster to get to your car, the only reason you were rushing is because cameron insisted you had to be there at 4:25 pm

the building was almost an hour away from your house but you knew you could make it sooner than that and you did

as you entered swagger immediately greeted you. he had his mask on but you could tell that he smiled as it lifted slightly "hey, nice to see you made it..." pausing to take a look at the time on his phone "oh, and you made it early too!" he said excitedly

you talked for a few then you walked off to the snack area to get some water. you strolled passed cameron not noticing that he was there doing the same thing too.

"hey," he said which made you jump

turning around to see him standing behind you, you took a deep breath "hi." you grinned. he stared at you for a long time confusing you "what are you looking at?" you ask getting shy

he grabbed the bottom of the hoodie you were wearing pulling you closer to him, smirking he mumbled "that's my hoodie."

you looked down to see what you were wearing and it was in fact one of his hoodies

"sorry cam, i didn't know it was yours. i just grabbed the one that was on my bed without looking. i can take it off-" he cut you off by shushing you "no, you look cute in it. you can wear my hoodies any time you want."

you looked away in attempt to hide the red tint appearing on your cheeks but he turned your head so he could see what he caused "you're so beautiful y/n"

you rolled your eyes at his words and began walking away from him just to be pulled back

"what are you listening to?" you ask, he takes one of his earbuds out and puts it in your ear. liking his song choice you nodded your head in approval and as you were going to give it back he put your hand in his and started making you dance with him

as you spun back towards him, he dipped you and planted a kiss on your lips

"you're stunning." he smiled

stunned that he was so affectionate today you questioned "what is with you today?" lifting you back up he responded by saying "just tryna love my woman." you rolled your eyes playfully and got to escape his grip and walked to the podcast room

barely having step foot into the room mason shouted "y/n, you're here! finally, it was getting boring." he gave you a short hug, got back into his seat, and pulled yours out for you "thank you." you said to him as you sat down and scooted closer to the table

eventually, cameron finally came in, sat in his seat across from you, and once everyone was informed that the recording started and the mics were on cam started his usual intro

he squinted at his phone as he tried to find a review to read and finally talked "hello and welcome back to the misfits podcast. rated 5 stars on itunes by josh22451, he says having sex in an elevator is wrong. on so many levels."

"ooh, i get it." swagger chuckled

you look over to mason to see him confused "i don't get it, someone explain." making you giggle slightly

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