can't believe it: part two

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"finally, you open the fucking door," you shout as you walked in dragging your luggage behind you

"next time i text you telling you that i'm here, pay attention to your damn phone. i may have a room here and fly here almost every month but i don't have any other friends but you assholes." you continue to speak, clearly annoyed

"uh, sorry?" a voice says quietly

"sorry my ass," you mumble and walk up to the room that you have in the house, you drop your stuff, look around the room and see that things on your desk were shuffled

"i'm literally going to murder all of you, who was in my room? was it mason?" you yell as you walked down the stairs

"i informed you all that i didn't want people in my room when i'm not here," you say and cross your arms to look up at either toby or ryan and to your surprise, it wasn't neither of them. your expression soon became soft and you started to calm down.

"holy shit, i'm so sorry." you instantly say, very embarrassed

"i should apologize too, i was the one that rummaged through the stuff on your desk. one of the boys wanted me to find something and they said that you might've had one in your room so i went to check," he says while rubbing the back of his neck

"i was going to put everything back but i heard the knock on the door so my first instinct was to check who was at the door," he confesses

"you're y/n?" he asks soon after, you nod your head in response

"and you're cameron, right? how come you're never here when i come and visit?" you say questioning him, something about his voice sounded really familiar to someone you knew, but you couldn't put your finger on who

"i had a few months where i was going to visit a friend of mines who landed himself at the hospital, he hurt his leg really badly. but, he's all better now." cameron responds

you nod your head, open the fridge door to take out a sprite, and start drinking it.

as soon as you were going to put down your drink to continue to talk to cameron the door swings open

"holy shit, is that y/n?" was the first thing mason yelled and ran towards you picking you up, you wrapped your legs around his waist and hug him "i missed you macey-boy." you fake cried "i missed you too," he replies

"shut the fuck up, you guys saw each other like last month." toby complained while mason put you down

"fuck off, toby. we were having a moment," you say and flick her off

"hey, be nice." cam tells us but looks directly at you, you squint your eyes towards him and flick him off just for fun, "he said nice, y/n." mason blares, so you roll my eyes

"anyways, are we doing anything because if not i would love to head back up to my room and take a fat ass nap." you smile

"yes, we're having a sleepover." toby squeals

"who said that?" you ask and look at cameron who just puts his hands up in defeat "don't look at me i never said anything about a sleepover it was toby and then ryan and swagger agreed," he says in an attempt to defend himself

"the rest of you guys agree to this?" you ask, questioning the rest of the boys and quickly getting a lot of "i'm down" responses which made you groan

you really wanted to go back up to your room and take a nap since you were really tired and having to get used to this time again was going to be a pain.

"don't complain you need a break, you and i both know this." toby says sternly

"i guess you're right." you sigh and make your way to the stairs "where are you going?" mason asks and quickly covers the steps making it impossible for you to go upstairs

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