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you put on one of cameron's hoodies, jeans, and shoes to match your outfit

the fair has opened back up and as weird as it seemed that a group of adults are going nobody cared since it was something you all looked forward to every year

as you reached the main floor of the house you glanced at cameron to see that he was still sitting on the couch and hasn't changed

"are you not going to go?" you frowned

seeing you upset bothered him "baby... i'm sorry" he replied while rising from the couch to give you a quick kiss on your lips. there was a reason why he couldn't go, he just couldn't tell you

you kissed back but once you let go silence filled the room

you weren't angry at him, just upset because he promised he'd go so you both could share a moment on the carousel. it was your favorite ride to get on together as it was hilarious to see a tall man on a ride meant for kids

you kissed him again "it's okay, you gotta make it up to me though." a smile instantly appeared on his face and he nodded "i will."

"let's go y/n!" ryan clapped as he waited for you at the front door

you kissed your boyfriend once more and ran outside to get into the van. as you made your way towards it you overheard toby talking and the rest of the group in complete silence which was surprising as that would never happen

"so that's the plan." she finished

confused because you missed everything you ask "what's the plan?" she flinched at the sound of your voice and immediately stared at the boys for them to help her

seconds went by and swagger spoke, "we were talking about what rides we were going to get on today."

you nodded your head and got into the van taking a seat next to mason to potentially lay your head on his shoulder so you could rest


once you arrived at the fair you all agreed to split then group back together at certain times to switch plans

you paired up with mason, which you weren't upset about as you knew he'd possibly win you something

as it was almost time to meet up again mason and you decided to ditch this hour to win some prizes "how about this one!" he said pointing at a game where you had to knock down the clown pins

you grinned "i want that big alpaca!" you ran up to the game to pay the guy. once he handed you the balls he began the timer, it felt as if time went by as fast as the blink of an eye

the timer rang and you missed all but one

you whined aggravated since you had expected to win it first try "i do it try for you." mason said but you insisted that you had to do it

so you tried over and over again, progressively getting worse each time "please, do it for me because i'm about to cry." you told him fully drained and frustrated.

not giving you another chance to speak he paid the guy, ended up winning, and having spare time. mason handed you the big alpaca and got a small one as a prize for having time left over.

you had a huge smile on your face and jumped up and down as if you were a child "thank you, thank you, thank you!" you shout

from the distance, you heard someone yell out your names "mason, y/n!" you turned to see ryan so the both of you walked towards him "look at what i've got." you smirked

"i'll put it in the car for you, toby won a big unicorn," he told you as he grabbed it

mason was about to speak but your phone rang catching the three of you off guard "sorry." you mumbled as you pulled it out your pocket to see cameron was calling you

you followed mason and ryan behind as they walked to the car "hey cam" you spoke

"hi baby, what are you up to?" he asks

you smiled at the sound of his voice "walking with mace and ryan because mason won me a big alpaca so we're putting it in the van."

"tell that short boy, to stop making moves on my woman." he joked which caused you to laugh

changing the subject cam asked "do you have a clue when you're going to ride the carousel?" you shook your head knowing he wouldn't be able to see "i don't know, i don't really want to ride it." you answered

frowning as you watch ryan and mason struggling to fit the giant stuffed animals in the van "it's not going to be as fun without you and it's our thing."

mumbled voices and loud sounds came from his line, he talked loud enough for you to hear him "i think you should ride it, it'll be fun. i know you'll have a fun time with everyone riding it."

while walking back mason held your shoulder to keep you near him as you walked to meet the rest of the group

"fine... i'll ride it. i have to go, i'll talk to you later, bye babe." you tell him, he replied with a quick "bye!" shortly after you hung up the phone and put it back in your pocket

toby made her way towards you to notify you that they were taking you to the carousel

once you got there everyone got on and you ended up having a good time. especially watching swagger have a hard time getting onto the horse and because his mask would cover his eyes when he moved too much

the fun soon came to a sudden end as the ride began slowing down "attention riders, the ride is experiencing technical difficulties. as the ride stops, workers will come buy to let everyone get off group by group."

"so if everyone would please take off their belts and wait until notified to get off that would be very appreciated, thank you." one worker yelled so everyone could hear

as you were notified that you could get off, you got off the horse slowly and looked around to see that the rest of the group were already stepping off of the carousel so you rushed to catch up

"y/n" you heard

you stepped foot onto the grass and looked up to see cameron "cameron, i thought you said that you couldn't make it." you smiled happy to see your tall boyfriend

he stepped back slowly and got down on one knee, nervously he asked "y/n, will you marry me?"

shocked since you didn't see this coming, you stood there as tears slowly came down your face as he spoke about how he fell in love with you and how he knew you were the one for him

once he finished talking his words left you in a tears that you would never forget about

you nodded your head "yes, of course, i will."

he softly tugged you closer to him, slipped the ring on your finger, and pushed your lips onto his staying like that for a while. as the kiss broke cheers came from everyone who was watching especially from the group

"the ride isn't actually broken... so we could get on it together." cam smiled proudly that he finally gained the courage to ask you to be his wife especially since he knew he asked you in the best way possible

the night ended with everyone getting back onto the carousel, you and cam happily sharing the moment you want, and with new beginnings.

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