dj got us falling in love

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once you got your shoes on you hurried to your bathroom to quickly fix your hair.

it was friday which meant you and the crew were going to the club since you all made an agreement to meet up every other friday to go. you stayed home the last time because you were sick which meant you weren't allowed to back out this week

while walking downstairs your phone rang, knowing it was one of the guys you didn't bother looking who and just picked up

"hello..." you sighed as you sat on one of the stools you had by the kitchen

heavy breathing was coming from the other line which only made you think that the boys were fighting for seats in the car or just being stupid

"y/n- mason shut up..." swagger yelled which caused you to move your phone from your ear and lower the volume

from a distance in the call, mason shouted "we're here"

without letting them get any other word or noise out you hung up and made sure you had everything you were going to bring which was your house keys and your phone

you walked out, locked the door, and walked towards the car. as you got closer you soon realized that everyone but toby stood standing outside of the car, you rolled your eyes not surprised "why is toby the only one in the car?" you question

"because i'm not an idiot who fights for a seat," she shouted which caused you to chuckle

you wanted the passenger seat so you slightly nudged cameron so he could move from covering it, you quickly greeted everyone and got in

as you put your seatbelt on cameron jumped into the driver seat "you thought you could escape me." he teased so you rolled your eyes

luckily the club wasn't too far away so you got there within 10 minutes, as you struggled to take off your seatbelt which was usual in the car you were picked up in. cameron jogged to your side to open your door and help you

once you heard the noise of the seatbelt unbuckle you felt relieved and got out the car

"thank you!" you smiled, hugged him quickly and sprinted to catch up with the rest of the group who were already inside. you looked around struggling to find the group who were nowhere to be found especially with people jumping and dancing on one another

you felt a hand grab your waist you looked up and luckily it was cameron "they're over here." he practically shouted

he started walking and not wanting to lose him you grabbed his hand, you watched as he stopped for a moment and smiled but then continued walking until you reached the table

you saw swagger perk up and he yelled "i argued with someone for this table!" you giggled as you knew how proud he was of himself, you mouthed a thank you and slid into the booth


you smiled and grabbed the bottle "thank you!" you shouted so the bartender could hear you

after a few drinks, you decided it was time to switch to some water since you didn't want to end up bothering the boys

you felt a tap on your shoulder and to your surprise, it was two girls that you were friends with, after a while of conversation they asked you to dance with them and of course, you didn't say no

you took sips from your water, dropped it off at the table where cameron and some of the others sat and sprinted back to your friends

the dj went from playing new quick-paced songs where everyone screamed the lyrics and jumped to songs from the 2000s where people danced with one another and swayed from side to side

dancing with the girls and swaying your hips side to side, having fun and feeling yourself, forgetting that you were in public

"hey, isn't that the guy you like?" one of the girls asked

you turned to see cameron staring at you and once he realized he quickly fiddled with his drink to act as if he wasn't which made you blush

you smiled "that's him."

a grin appeared on her face, she walked closer to you and whispered: "he was staring at you while you were dancing."

looking up you realized he was looking over at your direction again so you signaled for him to come to you but he shook his head, not taking no for an answer you walked towards him and struggled to pull him out from the table

with help from matt, he got up and said "well, i'll be seeing you." as you dragged him to the dance floor

the girls decided to leave the two of you be as they wanted you both to have a moment alone

the dj changed the song to a slow one as he wanted to "bring it back" being as fitz is tall as hell you wrapped your arms around his waist and let your head fall softly onto his chest

he gulped and you felt his heartbeat speed up, little did he know yours did the same

as you both swayed side to side dancing to slow songs and occasionally making each other laugh you both soon realized that you had fallen in love with each other

you both were aware of the feelings you had for each other but weren't aware that you've both fallen this deep

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