Chapter 1

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"Appa~ I'm leaving..." I shouted, loud enough for my dad to hear me from the kitchen as I was about to leave the house to go for a job interview.

"Wait a minute, honey." He replied back and soon came out with a pair of keys in his hands. "Take my scooter with you." He said, extending his hand to give me the keys.

"It's okay, appa, I'll take the bus."

"The bus will take ages to arrive in this neighborhood. And I don't think the interviewers will wait for you that long." He took my hand before placing the keys on my palm.

"Also, try to control your temper if you meet any arrogant people. I know you really hate such people especially ever since-"

"Yeah, yeah, I know." I said, cutting him off. "Please don't remind me of that nut-skull." I rolled my eyes.

He chuckled. "Alright, sorry."

I smiled and gave him a hug before leaving the house.

Just when I was about to start the scooter, my phone rang up, displaying the word 'BF' on the screen. I smiled and picked it up.

You: Good morning, sleepyhead ~~

Hoseok: Good morning, bestie...

You: Are you seriously still sleeping?!?! It's 9 am!
Don't you have classes to attend??

Hoseok: I don't want to attend those boring ass classes~~

You: Aish! This boy!!
Yah!! Get your ass up and go to University!
If you too won't go then how am I gonna get the notes??

Hoseok: Aish! Stop yelling! I'm going, okay!
You don't want me to live peacefully, do you?

You: Stop complaining and leave.
I'll see you in the evening...

Hoseok: Are you going for the interview?

You: Yeah...

Hoseok: Good luck!
Remember, your hope is with you!!

You: Thanks, bestie!
See you later~

I hung up with a cheerful mood than before. Hoseok has never failed to lighten up my mood ever since we became friends in middle school when he was newly transferred from Gwangju.

I can't believe how quickly we bonded and became best friends.

Unfortunately, it was the same year when that asshole transferred to our school too.

How weird is this life where two students who transferred at the same school, at the same time of the year, but one who was a total sunshine, became my best friend and the other who was apparently a complete asshole, became my worst nightmare...

I shook my head, not wanting to think about those memories again as I started driving off the scooter.

Honestly, I am not much worried about the interview as I have always done pretty good in my academics. Well, except in Mathematics...

I was originally planning to get a job only after my graduation but since my father is the only one earning in our family of two, he too lost his job.

The irony here is that his boss, who was his so-called close friend, fired him because of some stupid misunderstanding.

So, my dad was currently jobless since the last two months and we are in a serious need of money to at least spend on our living.

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