Chapter 1- Explosion

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I was guided to a big room by the recruiter, as I was about to do one last thing before joining his gang of dangerous criminals. I thought my fantasies about becoming a mobster were about to be fulfilled. Inside the big room there were about a dozen men wearing balaclavas, some of them branding weapons. They formed a circle and in that circle was a youth about my age with a machete in hand, probably another fresh recruit.

One of the men put a machete in my hand and said:

"Take this, Y/n, and fight that other recruit to the death, whoever wins gets to join my gang."

I entered the circle with a machete in hand as the youth took off his jacket and wrapped it around his forearm. Was that a technique?  I was wondering. I did not take off my jacket, I wanted to protect my torso.

I charged at the recruit, trying to hit him in the neck from the left, but he used the jacket on his forearm to parry and then he quickly swung his blade at my head, killing me instantly. Thus I learned that being edgy doesn't pay.

I woke up sitting on a chair in a strange place, and endless ocean of blackness and small lights, as if I was taken in space. In front of me there was a lady with blue hair, wearing blue clothes and a blue miniskirt to match. She was also sitting on a chair.

"You didn't get a nice death there, and they are hiding your body as we speak." the lady in blue said. "I'm Aqua, the goddess of water and I'm here to give you a choice. You are certainly on a highway to hell. But since you died young, you can choose another option. Interested?"

"Sure." I answered.

"There is a RPG world that is threatened by the immense hordes of the Devil King. You can reincarnate there and keep your memories with you."

"Shouldn't I know this world's language first?"

"As soon as I will teleport you to it you will know it. However, this is all I will help you with, since you were bad, I will not give you anything. Knowing the language will allow you to beg at least." answered Aqua.

"But why? Didn't I die horribly? Wasn't my life a tragedy?"

"No, it was more of a cringe compilation than anything else. You expected to live way too much when you decided to join a dangerous criminal gang." the goddess answered.

Her answered annoyed me but I had chosen the fantasy RPG world, since it was not hell.

"By the way, I would normally teleport you to a town far away from all the intense fighting, a town inhabited by novice adventurers. But since you preferred to be bad, I will teleport you in a less-hospitable and exposed village. Now stay and don't move, I will teleport you now."

A circle formed on the invisible floor around my feet and I was soon transported to this other world. I found myself standing at the edge of a forest, surrounded by trees and all manner of vegetation. In front of me, I could see a village past some trees and into the field. A road was going through it and a well was at it's edge. I entered the village, with nothing more but my jacket, t-shirt, pants and sneakers on me. Everybody that passed through the village was carrying something and seemed to be busy at their work. I suddenly felt too shy to offer myself for work so I started to sit on the ground and beg.

I was begging for an hour and all I got was annoyed and suspicious looks from the villagers. Then a young man approached me and I stood.

"Who are you, and why don't you want to earn your money?" he asked me.

"I am Y/n and the villagers seem to not want a helping hand." I answered.

"Is that so? I can get some work for you at my father Onar's farm. Father is looking for workers. Are you taking my offer?" the man asked me.

"Sure, take me to the farm"

"Good then. My name is Tom. Happy to know you" the man said, shaking my hand. 

We walked outside of the village on the road talking to each other and quickly reached the farm. I also found out about Tom's brothers, who were five in total, and two of them were old enough to work in the fields. Tom spoke to me again.

"You can go and talk to father. He will tell you where to sleep. Father is growing some crops here, and as you can see, he also has a herd of sheep and has a stable full of horses he is growing, so there is plenty of work to be had."

Tom pointed me to a man in his 50s that was proudly looking at his fields, his arms crossed. I went to him and said I wanted to work for him. Onar said I could sleep in the stables and he offered to feed and pay me 10 Eris each week in exchange for work.

"By the way," Onar continued before I could start cleaning the stables, "Balthasar is responsible for the sheep and my son Tom takes care of the horses. If I have no work for you, they will surely have."

I was getting to work and I quickly got used to it.  I cleaned the stables, fed the horses and the sheep, guarded the crops during some nights, helped to repair one thing or the other and a lot of similar stuff. Onar also gave me the work clothes of the farmer, so that I would fit in with the world.  It was more peaceful than what Aqua told me it would be. A week has passed and I got my first pay.

On the eight day's night I had some free time on my hand and decided to take a stroll in the nearby woods. As I was walking on the trail I suddenly saw two glowing red lights move through the woods. I hid behind a bush and looked closely. Those lights were eyes, and they belonged to someone who was moving to the edge of the woods. When that someone was on the edge of the forest, the moonlight revealed a young girl, wearing a witch hat and a cape, with a red dress and belt. She turned towards a field where a large boulder was sitting. I was 20 meters behind her and she started chanting something for a few seconds, a lot of colored stars appeared and red circles of fire were around the girl.

 I was 20 meters behind her and she started chanting something for a few seconds, a lot of colored stars appeared and red circles of fire were around the girl

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"Explosion!" I heard her shout.

Fire and magma fell from the sky on the boulder and it's surroundings, creating a massive explosion that left a crater in the field. That is slightly less grass for the sheep to graze I thought to myself.

The girl stood and watched for a while and then she fell to the ground, on her face. Did she die? Did she fall asleep? I needed to check on her. Maybe she was alive and who knows how dangerous forests were at night? Maybe it was a bad idea to take a stroll here. I made my way towards her.

From a distance she seemed to be breathing. I knelt and touched her neck. She had a choker on it and her pulse was fine. So she fell asleep. But I couldn't let her there. So I took her in my arms along with her staff and carried her towards the farm.

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