Chapter 7-Gilgamesh Horse-Eater

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The farm we made our way towards was a stud farm. When I looked beyond it's fences I saw many horses and the prospect of buying one was intriguing, but I had no doubt that these would be very expensive. I was still holding hands with Megumin and I asked her about it.

"Hey, Megumin, what if we bought a horse? It would certainly help us in our journey, we could carry more loot and not exhaust our legs." 

"We have 4210 Eris on us, I think a horse is much more expensive than that..." she answered.

"Maybe they have a quest for us and we can get more coin out of it" I insisted.

The road was passing through the stud farm and a billboard was in the farm's courtyard. We looked at it and a quest paper was on it from the stable master asking for the killing of a giant spider that moved into a nearby cave recently. The spider was a Gilgamesh Horse-eater and as the name suggested, he was so big he could eat horses. However, the reward for such a hard quest was a horse. That was exactly what we needed.

We spoke to the stable master and he showed us the location of the cave. It was on a field in the distance inside of a large rock that was sitting on the field. We approached the cave and when we were at a certain distance from it we started thinking of a way to kill the spider.

"You will certainly be the one to kill the spider" I told Megumin. "But you better not cast your Explosion spell directly on the cave, it may survive rocks crumbling on it and might leave the cave to attack us while we can't defend ourselves."

"What if you threw rocks in the cave in order to hopefully hit the spider and make it leave the cave and then I cast my Explosion on it?" Megumin asked.

"This might work."

We started gathering rocks of decent size and made them all into a pile. I took one rock and tossed it at the cave's entrance. Nothing happened. I tossed another. Nothing happened. I kept tossing rocks at it until my arm felt numb. But then I heard a weird scream come out of the cave. Megumin started chanting.

"Oh, blackness shrouded in light, 

 Frenzied blaze clad in night, 

 In the name of the crimson demons, 

 let the collapse of thine origin manifest. 

 Summon before me the root of thy power 

hidden within the landsof the kingdom of demise!"

Just as she finished the chant the giant spider left it's cave and headed towards us. And then Megumin shouted.


A quick boom erupted and destroyed the creature, leaving nothing but ashes. Megumin smiled smugly and then fell on her back. I picked her up on my back and we returned to the farm to collect our reward. The stable master was pleased with our work and let us have a strong burden horse with a saddle on it. Me and Megumin ate at the farm.

"What do you think, should we check the interior of the cave after dinner a little?" I asked her.

"Sure, why not?" she answered.

We finished eating and Megumin regained her energy, being able to walk again. It must have been noon when we headed towards the cave and left the horse at the farm. When we reached the cave, the crater that annihilated the spider was right in front of it. We descended into the cave and it took a little for my eyes to adjust to the dark. Megumin's eyes were glowing red, as they always do in the dark or when she's excited. I was leading the way, walking carefully until I almost tripped on something. I looked closely and it was a horse skeleton. There was a portion in the cave that was full of spider webs, but there was a blue glow beyond the webs. I got my hatchet out and started cutting at the webs until I reached the source of the glow. It was a human skeleton this time, with a blue talisman on it's neck. 

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