Chapter 5-Goblins

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After we have slept on the giant leaf bed we have made, me and Megumin were ready to continue our journey in the morning. Ten days have passed since I was living in this world. We were getting closer to where Balthasar said his friend Jens the hunter lived.

"Hey, Megumin" I said to her before we started.

"What?" she said.

"We will sleep one night at Jens I think and after that you said we should go through the mountain pass. If we will do that, a day will pass without you casting Explosion. Are you okay with that?"

"No!" Megumin answered.

"Then you should climb that tree again, cast Explosion again, fall off the tree again but this time I will need to carry you on our way to Jens until you can move again" I said.

And Megumin agreed. She climbed the tree again, she cast the Explosion spell again, fell off the tree on the bed of leaves and I took her on a piggyback ride after that. As we were making our way to Jens I asked her something.

"How did the people who robbed you looked like?"

"They were two women and two men. The women and one man were thieves, and the leader of the party was a swordsman. He had black hair, was wearing mail and some steel plates on him, with an open bascinet on his head. Because of him and his friends I lost 10,000 Eris I made by completing quests."

"Don't worry, if we find them, we're gonna finish them." I reassured her.

I kept going on the road with Megumin on my back when I saw a hunting cabin in the distance. This must be Jens' house. But then a glass bottle was thrown out of nowhere and nearly hit me and Megumin. The bottle crashed and exploded on the edge of the road.

I quickly, but gently, laid Megumin down on the middle of the road and wielded my hatchet. I let the sling bag fall to the ground. Out of a bush, a goblin came out wielding a knife and wearing nothing but pants and shoes. By the way he moved, he seemed to be drunk. He came running at me and when he got close he made some savage, rapid but clumsy swings with his knife. Because I had a far longer arm, I just dodged him and hit him in the neck with my hatchet, instantly killing him.

Megumin was laying on her back in the middle of the road.

"That empty bottle the goblin threw at us was a bottle of booze" she said. " He might've been drunk."

"I noticed that as well" I said while checking the dead goblin's pockets. "Hey, this guy got 200 Eris in his pockets in total! Not bad at all!" I put the Eris in the sling bag and then I put Megumin on my back again.

We soon reached the cabin's door. Megumin knocked on the door and after a few seconds a bearded, middle-aged man opened. He was wearing the clothes of a huntsman.

"You are Jens, right?" I asked.

"Yes" Jens answered.

"We are friends of Balthasar the shepherd. My name is (Y/n) and her name is Megumin. We came here to ask if we can sleep here for the night." 

"If you are Balthasar's friends then you are mine as well. Why are you carrying that girl on your back though?"

"Oh, that's because she's exhausted" I answered as Jens let us inside his house.

Jens, Megumin and I sat at a table inside his cabin and Jens served us some of his cooked game as me and Megumin told him about our journey to Axel. I also told him about how Megumin exhausts herself every time she casts the Explosion spell and my work at Onar's farm, but I did not say a thing about what I did before.

"It must be nice living so close to the mountains" Megumin told Jens.

"It sure is" Jens said. "But these days it isn't so good. Recently, a group of goblins moved in the area and are poaching and stealing my game. I think they are scouts of the Demon King's army. I did not see any signs of Rookie Killers around, fortunately."

"Rookie Killers? What are those?" I asked.

"Rookie Killers are feline-like creatures that stalk groups of goblins in order to catch and kill beginner adventurers that might want to kill goblins for experience" Megumin explained.

"No Rookie Killers? Then that is the stuff for me, Jens! We were attacked by a goblin just as we came here! What if we go together and sort them out? Where are they?" I asked.

"I don't know where they are, but I have a suspicion" the huntsman said. "I think they might be hiding in a nearby cave. I was hesitant to go there on my own, but the two of us might handle this well enough. They can't be that many."

We started preparing for the fight with the goblins. Jens gave me some forearm bracers for protection while the huntsman himself took his hunting bow and his arming sword along with a quiver of arrows on his hip. We left Megumin at the cabin since she couldn't cast Explosion anymore. Jens led the way to the cave through the woods. The cave was on a ground of higher elevation and it's entrance was into a cliff of stone. 

A goblin left the cave, probably to take a piss on a bush. We waited until he relieved himself (so that his corpse wouldn't wet itself as we loot it) and then Jens shot an arrow in the goblin's temple. We sneaked our way to the cave entrance. I drew my hatchet while Jens drew his sword and we charged at the entrance. Inside the cave there were four goblins. They drew their weapons and charged at us. The first one swung at me with a hatchet but after dodging it, I grabbed his hatched and hit the goblin in the head with mine, killing him. Then another one thrust his short spear into my forearm, but my bracers protected me. He quickly stroke again, grazing my cheek with the point of his spear. I quickly moved my hatchet and struck the goblin in the torso, killing him as well.

Jens killed the two goblins that attacked him with more ease than me. After the fight, we both looked at the cave's interior. It was a small cave, in the middle of it was a campfire and the skin of some animal was stretched by a wooden frame that was clinging to the cave wall. A chest was lying at the bottom of the cave. I opened it and I found some good loot. Inside the chest there was 8000 Eris, along with two healing potions and three freshly cooked chunks of meat.

Me and Jens agreed to split the loot among us. He would get 4000 Eris and a healing potion while I got the rest. We made our way back to Jens' cabin while the sun was setting. We reached it at night and Megumin welcomed us warmly.

"If you want to sleep now, I have two extra beds in the other room" Jens said.

Me and Megumin moved to the other room. Besides the two beds, there was also a table with a lit candle on it and two chairs. We both sat at the table. I put the chunks of meat and healing potion in the sling bag. I split the Eris in half and gave 2000 to Megumin. She was pretty pleased that we were starting to make some coin.

 She was pretty pleased that we were starting to make some coin

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After splitting the loot, I had 2210 Eris which belonged to me. I was content enough with the situation. We went to sleep, ready for to continue our journey the next day.

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