Chapter 10-Megumin flexing on Yunyun

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I woke up shirtless on a bed inside the tavern. My torso had scabs in 2 different places. One was close to my bellybutton, the other was looking really rough and was of a "^" shape above my right nipple.

I recalled that last night, after beating up the skeletons, I took the sleeping Megumin inside the tavern and the tavern-keeper and his wife healed me. I fell asleep soon after.

I looked across the room and Megumin was still sleeping, but in another bed. She was still wearing her pretty black dress.

The door to the room we were in opened slowly and without noise. The tavern-keeper came through the door and greeted me.

"I see you have finally woken up" he whispered. "My wife and I almost spent all our mana that day trying to heal you. Good thing we heard the explosion and the noise of the fighting, otherwise you could have bled out and died behind the tavern. Your girlfriend doesn't have a scratch on her though."

"Thank you for taking care of us" I said.

"No problem. You saved my tavern, after all. Those skeletons roughed you up. You see that inverted 'v' shape above your nipple? That was a piece of flesh barely hanging on to you. That was hard to heal."

Ouch. How come I didn't feel that last night?

I started scratching my head and I touched my left ear. A small part of it was cut off.

"Do you have a mirror somewhere around here?" I asked.

The tavern-keeper pointed me to a separate room. I got out of the bed and entered that room. A mirror was hanging on the wall and underneath it was a table with my damaged, bloodied gambeson on it. I looked in the mirror and I saw that a portion of my ear was cut off and my cheek had a scab on it as well.

I put my gambeson on and I told the tavern-keeper I wanted to go into the court until Megumin woke up. I went into the court and I found Yunyun sitting at a table. I walked to her and sat in front of her. It was still early in the morning.

"Hi. You wouldn't happen to be here because you know Megumin is here, would you?" I asked her.

"No! I am only here b-by chance." Yunyun answered. "You look horrible, what happened?" she asked me.

"Me and Megumin were attacked here by a lot of skeletons last night."

"Uh?" Yunyun looked worried.

"But we managed to defeat them. Megumin got out of it without a scratch. She is sleeping now."

Yunyun became relieved of her worry. I changed the subject.

"Do you know when her birthday is?" I asked Yunyun.

"Y-You mean Megumin's?"


"I t-think it is December 4th." Yunyun answered. "W-why?"

"I might give her something then. What about your birthday? When is it?"

"F-february 29th."

I burst out laughing. Yunyun blushed and looked confused.

"You aren't joking, right?" I asked.


"How many February 29ths did you go through during your lifetime so far? Three?"

"Y-yes" she looked down.

"Hey. Don't be hard on yourself!" I encouraged her. "I laughed because you are the first girl I met that was born on February 29th."

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