Chapter 9-Things worth protecting

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I returned from the training grounds after practice-fighting with Bearnard. I ultimately decided to fight with a mace. It was already afternoon so I had to visit the shops to buy new equipment before they close, now that I had a lot of money.

I went to a weapons and armor shop and I decided to buy a morningstar with a thick wooden handle. I also bought an open bascinet helmet, a gambeson and a plain yellow wooden shield. I also wanted to buy a chainmail hauberk but I saw a staff and I was immediately reminded of Megumin.

What if I will make her a gift? What about that staff? Would it work? I don't even know if it is more powerful than her staff!

I had to think of another gift. What would she like?

I took what I had decided to buy from the weapons and armor shop and equipped myself. Then I went to the magic shop to buy something from there. I looked along the desks full of magic scrolls, orbs and other stuff but something stood out. It was a glowing crystal.

"What is that crystal?" I asked the shopkeeper.

"That is a manatite crystal. It has magic power inside of it and someone who is casting spells while in contact with the manatite will use the manatite's magic power instead of their own magic power" the shopkeeper answered.

"Ah, I see. Let's say I want to cast an Explosion spell and that I would fall down every time after I would do that, would the manatite allow me to stand after casting?" I asked.

"That's right."

After I bought the manatite I was left with just 10.000 Eris. I left the shop and started searching for Megumin. It was already the evening. I found her near an inn. She looked at me from a distance but didn't recognize me in my new equipment. I came closer and a smile appeared on her face. Now she's recognized me.

She came running at me and I hugged her.

"Why are you dressed up like this?" Megumin asked.

We ceased the hugging.

"I already picked a class. I chose to be a warrior. Here is my adventurer card." I gave her my adventurer card.

I've spend almost all my skill points on my fighting proficiency with maces and defense.

"I see you are a noob and have learned a whole lot of useless junk" Megumin teased me.

"Oh, yeah? Show me your adventurer card then. Let's see how much of a veteran you are."

Megumin showed me her adventurer card. She had an insanely high intelligence and the only thing she invested in was the Explosion spell. Her level was also in it's 30s. I gave Megumin back her card. She gave me that look.

 She gave me that look

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Crimson weirdness ( Reader x Megumin Story)Where stories live. Discover now