Chapter 13-To the village of Agua Fria walked 3 strangers one fine day

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Me and Megumin just left Axel on the dirt road through the forest when a girl's voice called out to us from behind.

"H-hey, wait for me! Where are you two going?"

It was Yunyun. She was running in our direction and was still far behind, in front of the town's gate. When she reached us she asked us again.

"Where are you going?"

"We are going to go and take Coldsteel's head. It should be a piece of cake." I answered her question.

"H-hey! Don't raise flags like that! It will only g-get worse if you say that! It is certainly a very difficult task and I must accompany you."

"Sounds good" I said. "Come along."

With three people it should be easy to take out the outlaw.

With Yunyun added on to our party, we continued to make our way through the forest. When it started to get dark, we moved through the woods and started gathering leaves for the leaf-bed. Since Yunyun was shy, she made a separate bed for herself. She also questioned Megumin's decency in a veiled manner when she saw she was about to sleep with me on the same bed.

"It is for time efficiency. The lesser the beds, the lesser the time to make them" Megumin excused herself. "Besides we aren't about to do anything crazy with someone else being around."

"I-I didn't mean to imply that!" Yunyun jumped, blushing.

"And besides, look at this! Chomusuke is about to sleep with us as well! What better proof can we have of our wholesome conduct?" I intervened.

Chomusuke was resting on Megumin's lap as she sat on our leaf-bed. But when it heard what I just said, the cat made it's way towards Yunyun and pounced on her lap. Yunyun giggled, looked at us smugly and then started petting Chomusuke. 

This must be one of the top 10 anime betrayals.

"Traitor! I should've let Komekko eat you back at home!" Megumin snapped, looking at Chomusuke in frustration.

After a little more time spent chatting, the girls were about to get to sleep and I took off my chainmail shirt, helmet and breastplate. Then I laid beside Megumin on the leaf-bed.

"Good night!" we said to each other.

I took Megumin in my arms and I fell asleep soon enough.

 In the morning we woke up, I took back my equipment and then we continued on our way towards Agua Fria. Megumin seemed a little disturbed.

"Megumin, what is wrong?" Yunyun asked.

"N-nothing. It is just that I haven't got to explode anything yesterday" Megumin answered.

"We will soon leave the forest and enter a plain area. That would be good for explosions." I said.

In the fields, Megumin could see her explosions more clearly, while the chance of attracting dangerous monsters was minimal.

When we left the forest, it was noon. We walked on the road and Megumin was willing to have a little more patience, to pick a better place to cast Explosion. Suddenly, two One-Strike-Bears appeared in the distance. They didn't seem to notice us at first and they walked at a slow pace.

"What are two One-Strike-Bears doing so close to Axel?" Yunyun was wondering.

"Doesn't matter, I will turn them into experience points soon" Megumin said.

Megumin's crimson eyes glowed with excitement and she started chanting her one precious spell. 

"--Explosion!" she finished her chant.

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