Chapter 1 : Karaoke

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Hello !! Thank you so much for choosing this book to read.

Hope you will enjoy it !!

* Just a reminder, there maybe be some grammar mistakes, spelling error etc.

-Emily ❤-


Chapter 1 : Karaoke

"Oppa Gangnam style ! Gangnam style, op,op,op,op,op, Oppa Gangnam style ! Eh~ sexy lady, op,op,op,op,op, Oppa Gangnam Style. Jeong su ghae bo I ji man nil tthaen no nuen yeo jia , I ttae da si peu myeon muk keoss deon meo li pu nuen yeo jia.................

As Tyler continue to sing loudly. I looked across the room and saw a very pissed looking Evelyn. I chuckled, she has been calling Tyler since he started singing. However, he couldn't care less.

We were at Red Box celebrating my birthday. It was Evelyn's idea, she paid for everything as my birthday gift. Well, as for Tyler, he just tags along. But Evelyn did not pay for him though which made him scowled. So basically, from the beginning until now Tyler grab the microphone and started singing his heart out.

There are 3 microphones, one was taken by Tyler, the other wasn't working, and there's one more left, but I wanted to wait for Tyler to Finnish his turn and hand Evelyn the microphone so I can sing with her. Unfortunately my thoughts gone wrong, Tyler had been using the mike for an hour. So Evelyn didn't get a chance to sing. You might be wondering why didn't she use the other mike that was free. Well, she doesn't want to sing alone. She prefers singing with me instead of Tyler.

"Tyler Andrews ! " Evelyn shouted. No response. "Tyler you stupid boy, stop singing and give us a chance! " No response. I think Tyler doesn't want to let go of the microphone. Suddenly, Evelyn shouted loudly. " TYLER ANDREWS STOP SINGING RIGHT THIS INSTANT !! " wow that was the first time she shouted that loud.

Tyler jumped slightly, he paused the song and turned to Evelyn and said " what ?" " what do you mean what ?! I was calling you since you started singing ! " Evelyn said furiously. "Well what do you want ? " Tyler asked lazily. " Give me and Chelsea a chance to sing." " But..... But.... I haven't Finnish the song !" Tyler cried. " sorry, dickhead. But I don't give a shit, now hand over the mike."Evelyn said while smirking.

"No."Tyler said stubbornly. "Why, you little....." "Guys stop it ! " I said. Both of them kept quiet and looked at me. "Look, it's my birthday and I don't want anymore arguments. " I sighed. These two sometimes can be a pain in the ass. " okay, are we good now ? " I asked. They mumbled " yes."

So I decided to light up the mood. "Okay let's continue to party, shall we ?" " Hell yea !" They both said.

After the karaoke ended, Evelyn ran up to me and asked " So do you have any plans for tomorrow ?" " I'm going to my grandparent's for dinner." "Oh, ok that's perfect then." I was confused. "Why is that ?" I asked. " We'll I was wondering if you would like to go to the mall with us tomorrow." She said happily. " who's the 'us' ?" I asked. " Sarah, Bristol,Monique, me and you." She said as we continued to walk towards my car. " Oh sure. What time shall we meet up at the mall ? I can't stay long anyways." " How about 2 to 4 ?" She asked. " Yea, sure. That'll be great." " Alright, it's settled then, See, ya tomorrow Chelsea." as she walked over to her car. " Bye, Evie." I said.

Me and Evelyn were best friends since we were in diapers . Our moms know each other when they were in College. I started calling her Evie when i was at the age of 10, sometimes Evie calls me Chelse. We even gave each other weird nicknames like jellybean, marshmallow etc. I walk towards my new Audi R8. It was my birthday gift from my parents.

It's not like my parents are millionaires. My dad works at which is also his own company. My mom on the other hand works as a brain surgeon. Both of them are not home most of the times. They are always in other countries doing their buissness.

They only come back hime during special and important occasions ,Like my birthday. So basically, i stay alone at home with my maid and my dog. I treat my maid like a friend because i dont want to be like the evil person torturing maids. I watch tv with her and play games too. I know i sound like a five year old kid, but i actually do play during my free time. I got in to my car and started driving.

After driving a few minutes, I start to feel sleepy, so I took out my iPhone to check the time. I realized that it was already midnight. 'Midnight....' I thought. 'Thats when all the horrible monsters come out and attack you and- ' ' Oh, stop its Chelsea. You know those things aren't real.' I scolded myself mentally. When I'm a few meters away from home.

Suddenly, I saw a shadow-like thing dash across the road. I immediately stepped on the breaks. I hesitated thinking what has passed by with such speed. It could be a wolf....... I shuddered at that thought. I slowly open the car door and stepped out. My hands are trembling, and my knees are shaking. The wind blew strongly, causing me to have goosebumps. I slowly walk towards the front part of the car, and realized there's nothing there. 'Hmmm that's strange,I thought I saw somethi-' I heard some noise from the bushes.

I began to feel scared. My palms are sweating, my while body is shaking with fear.

I look around this place and realized I was in the middle of the woods. I began to cry a little( I know, I'm a wimp ) . I was so scared that I almost feel like throwing up ( ridiculous ) .

As I wanted to turn around, and walk back to my car.

A body figure stood right infront of me.


Okay so that was chapter one. (:

Hope all of you liked the story(:

Thankyouu so much for reading. <3

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