Chapter 6

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"It's been a long time
Since I felt
What forever looks like,
Long time, I haven't
Been a victim
Of your smile."



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                           E M A A N

It was another dazzling morning, the birds chirping playfully welcoming the awaited springtide. The flowers bloomed with richest colours welcoming the bees wholeheartedly to satisfy their starvation.

It was a sight for the eyes and there she was strolling in the garden barefoot on the grass embellished with the fresh dew drops. She was feeling it to the fullest and caressing the newly blooming flowers.

She was talking to her best friend, Izah. Izah and she have been best friends for ten years. They have nothing hidden from each other even their deepest secrets.

Izah was very well aware about Emaan's lifestyle, the treatment of her so called parents and Miral towards her and even the reality of her marriage.

They both were talking freely after some days as they were busy in the wedding tension.

"Emaan, are you even listening? I have been blabbering for half an hour now..." Izah said.

She sighed and said "I am listening but what can I say you are just cursing a random guy whom you meet on my wedding. I don't even know the poor boy."

Izah said in an irritating tone "Ok forget that douchebag. On a serious note, Emaan are you okay? Is everything fine?"

After a long pause she said "Inshallah (If Allah wills), everything will be fine."

Even Izah was amazed how cleverly she dodged the question. Well then who are we talking about? Emaan, the one who can crumble into pieces inside and wouldn't let anyone have a glimpse of it. She couldn't let people feel sad and mortify due to her.

Izah then started to curse Miral "You know what that I never liked her. She is just so obnoxious, arrogant and self centred. She doesn't care for anyone how easily she escaped leaving you in a bundle of mess. If I could kill one person it would have been Miral."

She tried to calm her "Izah darling! Put on the brakes. Whatever it is she still is my sister. We can't undo what has happened."

Izah denied her "Sister? Are you for real or have you gone nuts. Nobody presents a bouquet of miseries to their siblings. Ok if she didn't wanted to marry she could have easily refused but she had to drag you in the mess to maintain her ideal image. Emaan she always uses you for her benefit."

She then objected " You yourself said that no one let their siblings live in misery then how could I?"

Izah interjected "Oh! My dear friend, you are so innocent and pure. I pray that Allah protect you from the evil but beware of that witch Miral, she wouldn't let you live in peace for long. She is so jealous of you but you don't understand. Even in this situation she played the role of Mother Tresa and made you a villain but a beautiful one."

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