Chapter 13

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"Love is a cloud that scattered pearls.
Love is a shining light,
Illuminating and exalted.
Love is a secret river,
Purified and ever-flowing.
Love is a burning fire that
Never gets extinguished."



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                            E M A A N

"Oh my God Arham! You look so cute in this photo." She said clutching her stomach as she was laughing hard at him. Actually she was going through the childhood photo album of Arham and found a picture of six year old him asleep hugging a teddy bear while drooling.

He shut his laptop to give her laughing form full attention "What photo?"

She innocently took out the picture from the album and turned it around so he could see it.

His changing expressions after viewing the photo were so amusing for her but he quickly masked them. "Give it to me Emaan at this instant." He warned in a honey coated voice.

"What if I don't?" She asked blinking her eyes as if she was the most innocent person in the world.

"You won't like the consequences then." He simply declared.

"No no, I can't give it back to you just yet. I have to capture it in my mobile then post it on my social media with the caption 'My cute little drooling husband' Oh my God! How great that would be." She exaggerated thinking of the future scenario.

"I can also tag you if you want..." She stopped when she was Arham getting off the bed and coming towards her.

She instantly ran with Arham chasing behind her. "Stop Emaan! Don't you dare pull this stunt." He growled running behind her on the stairs.

"Oh you just watch how well I will pull this stunt." She jumped off the last two steps of the stairs and rushed towards the sofa in the lounge.

"I am saying civilized for the last time Emaan, give it back to me." He scurried towards the sofa chasing her and was about to jump over it when she hastened and took refuge behind the enormous dining table.

Amma who was watching them playing 'chase after me' flabbergasted spoke "What are you doing Kids? You will get hurt."

Arham replied while jogging around the table behind her "Amma, why did you give my photo album to her? Now she is threatening me to post my picture on social media."

Emaan who was pulling the chairs of the dining table so that they could be a hurdle for Arham spoke with immense innocence " Now I can't even see his photos. Look Amma he is so bad and is creating a scene too."

He who was busy making his way through the messed up chairs said unbelievably "Me? Oh so I am creating a scene. Ok then." He then disappeared somewhere.

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