Chapter 8

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"It must hurt to know that I am your most beautiful regret."



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                          E M A A N

Both her and Izah were sitting in the lounge talking about here and there. Well she was stuck and trying hard to avoid Izah's teasing remarks because she caught Arham and her in an awkward position earlier in the garden.

"Izah! Stop it now." She whined after getting fed up.

"Yaar (friend)! What can I say when you guys were having Public display of affection without any shame." Izah said while shrugging her shoulders.

"Izahhhh! It wasn't public as we were in our home." She said confidently while Izah laughed at her stupidity. She made an angry expression and threw the T.V remote on Izah which she dodged.

After a while in a full serious mode Izah asked "Emaan, is everything fine? And you better answer me truthfully, you even avoided this question on the phone call."

She answered while avoiding her gaze "Yes, everything is okay."

Izah pleaded while holding her hands "Emaan! Please tell me the truth. I know you are hiding something. I have been your friend for years I can sense that something is wrong."

Tears ran down her cheeks as she realized that still there was someone who cares for her, worry for her, asks if she is fine or not. "What happened? Say something...please." Izah said worriedly after seeing her dishelved state.

"Nothing...nothing is right. Everything is messed up." She sobbed while Izah hugged her and patted her back to provide comfort.

"You know mama hates me, she can't stand me and baba...he told me to never come back. Whatever happens I can't go back home." She let the tears fall freely and let go of the feelings and thoughts that were bottled up in her for days.

"Even Arham he doesn't like me at all. The respect he had for me before is all gone now. He was so angry and behaved rudely with me like I was forced upon him without consent."

She stopped and then said in a weak voice "But for the past two days he stopped being that rude and talked humbly with me somehow."

Izah confronted "Shh...It's okay. Everything will be fine. I know Arham bhai (brother) will give you the happiness you deserve. He will save you from these cruel people. He is your knight in shining armour that I was waiting for." While laughing at the last part to divert her mind.

"You are such a pure and innocent soul and Allah surely rewards his good people." Izah said looking at her and she smiled sadly.

"Wait, what about that witch? Did she contact you?" Izah asked changing her demeanour like a chameleon. She laughed and shook her head in a no.

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