+*Where's Nini?*+

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Monday, December 9, 2019, 8:37 am


I open the doors to East High and walk through the halls and toward Nini's locker. I was thrilled to see Nini, I really want to talk to her. We didn't hang out a lot over the break. I'm surprised, but I'm okay with it, I guess. I smile as I walk over to where Nini's locker is. She isn't there, she usually is there. 

I turn around to see Kourtney, walking down the hallway, "Kourtney, do you know where Nini is?" I ask.

"Oh, Nini, yeah. She didn't tell you?" Kourtney replies. 

"Tell me what? What's going on?" I question.

"Remember when that theater lady came to see Nini during High School Musical and said that she can go to that theater school thing?" she says. 

"Yeah," I say, the suspense was killing me. 

"Well, she kinda sorta maybe went to the acting school in Denver," Kourtney said. 

I stand there in shock, "When did she leave?" I say frantically. 

"She left on Sunday morning." Kourtney checks her watch. "I gotta head to class. See you later." 

I stand there in shock as Kourtney walks away. I stand there astonished on what she said. That's why Nini was crying in the car! That's where she was going! I couldn't believe it, Nini moving away, without telling me.

 I continue walking down the hall to my locker. Big Red comes up to me, "Hey, man!". 

"Hey," I greet, looking at the photo I put in my locker of Nini and me. "You alright? You sound sad," he says. 

"Just," I sigh, "Nini went to a different school without telling me." I address, grabbing my books, and putting them in my backpack. 

"But its fine, I'll get over it," I say, walking away. 

"Dude, something is wrong, do you have like major feelings for her or something?" Big Red says. 

I stop in my tracks, "The night of the show, I said I love you to Nini, and we kissed." I reveal. 

"Wait, what?!" he yells. 

I give him an awkward smile, "Yeah, I'm just gonna try to call her." I finish as I speed walk away and turn the corner. 

I head up the stairs, "Hello, Ricky!" Miss Jenn says, passing by. 

"Not now," I say in annoyance as I continue walking. 

I stop by the stairwell side by the window and take my phone out of my pocket. I open the calls and tap on Nini, and I put the phone my ear. "BRRRRRR" The telephone goes. "BRRRRR" it goes again. 

"Hey, it's Nini! Talk to Me-Me!" her voicemail goes, and it beeps. 

"Hey, it's Ricky, your buddy." I chuckle. 

"I'm sorry to bother you, but I heard you moved to Denver. I'm happy for you. I'm just surprised you didn't tell me. Just call me when you can. Okay? Bye." I hang up and put my phone in my pocket, and I walk down the hall. 

"Hey, Miss Jenn, I'm sorry I ignored you." I apologize. 

"It's okay. Is everything alright? You look frustrated." she questions. 

"I'm alright, just that a friend kinda moved away, I'm just annoyed, sad, just mixed emotions," I ramble. 

"Oh, well, just know that you can talk to me if anything, okay?" she comforted with a toothy smile.

"Alright." I grin as she walks away. 

I really just hope that she answers back...

❤️A Small Trip To Denver ~ A RINI Story❤️Where stories live. Discover now