+*Phone Numbers*+

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Sunday, January 19, 2020, 1:14 pm


Nini and I talked for hours, I loved it. "And then, Kourtney walked up to her and splashed water in her face and said, 'Don't you dare talk to my friend like that!'" I beam, which makes Nini laugh. "That's my Kourtney!" she chuckles. "You have arrived at your destination, Youth A-" the GPS speaks, and I quickly turn it off. "I got to go." I frown. "Oh, okay, I'll call you later!" she chirps. "Mwah!" she bubbled and hung up. I pull up to the side of the street by some hedges, this school is huge! I step out of the car and walk inside. I see a lady at the first desk, "Hello, I'm visiting my friend today." I tell. "Oh yes, Ms. Patel has been expecting you! I'll ring her up!" she smiles, then types a number on a telephone. I look around the front lobby, with hallways with lines of classrooms and lockers. Kalyani Patel enters, "Why hello there! You must be Richard Bowen!" Kalyani chirps. "Indeed, I am!" I smile. "Welcome to Denver! And also welcome to the Youth Actors' Conservatory! You came to see Nini, am I correct?" she bubbled. "Yeah, do you know where she is?" I wonder. "She's either in the courtyard or her dorm room. Would you like me to call her down?" she asks. "No, no it's fine. I wanted it to be a surprise." I smile. "Well, that's sweet, would you like me to show you where the courtyard is?" she inquires. "Sure." I approve, and she beings are walking down a large hallway. Then, she opens glass doors, and we enter a beautiful courtyard. "Lunch will be served at 1:30. Are you sure you don't want me to call down Nini?" Kalyani says kindly. "It's okay, I'll wait here." I reply. Nini always says she passes by the courtyard when we text each other. She'll probably be passing by when heading to lunch, hopefully. "Okay, I will see you later on." she nods, walking away. I walk down a brick path and sit on a bench and pull out my phone. I turn on some skateboarding videos and begin to watch it. Then I feel a tap on my shoulder, and I look up. "Hey there." a girl with long golden blonde hair stands in front of me. "Do I know you?" I ask. "No, but I want to." she flirted. "I'm Cleo, Cleo Palmer." she smiled. "Okay?" I say. "What's your name?" Cleo wonders. "Ricky." I say. "I like your name." she compliments. "Thanks." I say, who even is this girl!? "Do you happen to know where Nini- I mean Nina, or whatever you guys call her. Do you know where Nina Salazar-Roberts is?" I ramble. "Oh, her? Why do you ask?" she declares. "I came to visit her today, and I want to see her." I answer. "Oh, you want to see Nini? Well, if you want to know," she pauses, "you'll have to pay a price." she flirted, stroking her finger on my jacket. "You are so hot, did you know that?" Cleo expressed. She is pretty in all, but this is plain sickening. "Just tell me where Nini is." I demand, shaking off her hand. "Well, she usually is by that stupid willow tree over there." she affirms. "Ya know, Nini is so annoying. Like all the time we hang out, she's always like, 'I'm gonna head back to my dorm and go to bed!' or 'I gotta do my homework! Take to you later!'" Cleo mocks. "She isn't annoying. She's an amazing person!" I declare. "Well, do you happen to have a girlfriend or dating anyone?" she wonders. "Well, yeah, I guess." I say. "Well, whoever it is, ditch them, we can be so much more." she uttered. "Ya know, I'm gonna go." I say, beginning to walk away. "Before you go," Cleo grabs my arm, rolls up my sleeve, takes a permanent marker out, and writes her phone number, "call me." she winked, and I quickly roll down my sleeve, and walk toward the willow tree. I climb up to a higher branch and stand upon it, kind of hiding in the leaves. I hope she passes by.

❤️A Small Trip To Denver ~ A RINI Story❤️Where stories live. Discover now