+*After Curfew*+

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Friday, January 10, 2020, 10:11 pm


"What do I wear!?" I yell, on FaceTime with Anna Grace. "Something casual-cute! I'm just wearing a red off the shoulder top, skinny jeans, and sneakers." Anna Grace explains, showing off her outfit. "Oh! I have an idea! I'll call you back when I'm changed." I say. "Okie Dokie!" she says and hangs up. I dash to my wardrobe and find my good luck East High sweatshirt spelling 'EAST' across the front, black tights, and white sneakers. I walk out, "Going to Cleo's little party, I see?" she says. I was surprised, "No, I'm just-" I get cut off, "It's alright, you can tell me. I've been there once before. It was something! You'll find out for yourself." she notified. "Alright." I sigh. "Oh, can I do your hair?" Emily chirps. "Sure!" I approve. "Okay, just grab some stuff together, and I'll heat up the curling iron!" she says. I grab my little white backpack and place some hair ties, deodorant, a small hairbrush, and throw my phone later. "Okay, sit!" Emily announces, and I sit on the bed. She begins curling my hair, "Is this your first party?" she wonders. "Nah, I had two parties were with my theater friends." I answer. She finishes, and I look perfectly curled hair in the mirror. "Thanks!" I say, and I gave Emily a hug. "No prob!" she says. "Am I overdressed?" I wonder. "You look fine." she smiles, as I grab my phone and FaceTime Anna Grace. "You look terrific!" Anna Grace compliments. Oh, and hi, Emily!" Anna Grace chirps, then waves at Emily behind me, and she waves back. Someone knocks on the door, must be Cleo, "That's Cleo, see ya later!" I chirp, and hang up, put my phone in my bag, then walk toward the door. Cleo stands in a pink long-sleeved crop top, a white skirt, sneakers, and a heart necklace. How is she wearing a croptop in this cold weather! "Hey, girl! You ready?" Cleo smiles. She looks over at Emily, "Hello Emily." she states, and Emily waves. "You ready or what?" she says, flipping back her golden hair. "Oh wait, I forgot something!" I say. I rush to my nightstand and grab the guitar pick, my lucky charm. "Alright! Let's go!" I smile. "Be careful!" Emily announces, and Cleo rolls her eyes. Emily is like the older sister I never had. And I think she and Cleo are like mad at each other or something like that. We start walking through the courtyard, "Time check." Cleo whispers. I check my phone, "10:27" I whisper. "Okay, follow my lead. Stay as quiet as you can, and when you see a teacher, tell me." she murmurs. I nod as we tip-toe to the other side of the courtyard. "There's a camera!" I whisper shout. "Act natural, they'll think you're heading back from the library or something," she whispers, as we normally pass by. 'Dorms 140- 258' sign stands in the hallway. She motions to go around the corner, and so I do. She stops at a when I hear the boys inside. Cleo does a series of knocking on the door when Jason opens the door. "May the party begin!" Cleo announces as the boy's cheer. I follow a couple of steps behind Cleo, and I study the room. It has the same shape as Emily and I's room, but a bean bag chair and a small couch under the window. Then a bunk bed and normal bed on the other side. The normal bedside was filled with pictures of what looks like football teams. And on the left by the bunk beds, a ladder leading up the top, little pictures hang in between the beds. Austin catches my eye, but I turn away. "Nini!" Anna Grace waves, and I sit next to her. "I like your sweatshirt!" she compliments. "Thank you!" I thanked. "So Nini, you liking the school so far?" Jason wonders. "Yeah, it's going well." I smile, as Jason takes a sip out of a red cup. "Oh, I brought something!" Jason says. He walks over to his mini-fridge and pulls out a box of Bud Light and Budweiser beer. Wait, they're drinking!? "Pass me one!" Zoey chirps, and Jason tosses one to Zoey. Everyone asks for one, and they all start drinking. Jason looks at me, "Nini, you want one?". "Nah, I'm good. Do you have soda or something?" I stutter. "No beer for the lady? Alrighty, I got you," he says as he reaches into the fridge and tosses me a can of ginger ale. I catch it, and I click it open. Austin sits by me, and I scoot away. "Look, Nini, I know I did something wrong, but can we just please talk?" Austin begs. I look over to him with a serious face, "Alright, what do you want?" I sigh. "I don't know what I was thinking. I like you, and I thought you liked me back. So, I tried kissing you. I am truly most positively sorry, and I want you to know that." he nods, then takes a sip of his beer. "But why did you do that? I really thought we were just friends." I state. "I know, but I got out of hand. And I'm so sorry." he reassured. I smirk, then smile, "I like you, Nini. And you only wanna be friends, and I'm perfectly fine with living with that endless pain." he pauses, and I smile. "Can we just start over and be friends?" he begs. "Sure." I smile, then stand up. "Hi, I'm Nini." I chuckle. He stands up, "Hello, I'm Austin. Let us be friends!" he chirps. "Yeah!" I giggle. We shake hands, then he gives me a hug, that felt good. Not hugging Austin, but just knowing that there's no bad blood between us. "You sure you don't want a drink, Nini?" Cleo asks. "Cmon, live a little!" Blake cheers, which immediately reminded me of Ricky. Blake looked the most drunk out the everyone, every time he kept trying to grab something, it would slip out of his hands. I felt uncomfortable, yet Morgan kept looking at me and the drink I was holding. I then ran out of my ginger ale, and Austin noticed, "Want me to get you more?" he asked. "I guess so, sure." I smile as he takes my empty can. He walks over to the dresser, and Morgan follows, "You want it in a cup or can?" he yells over the talking. Even though there's only eight of us, it's quite loud. "Cup, please!" I shout. He nods, and Morgan taps on his shoulder. "Hey Brother!" Morgan chirps. "StepBrother." he states. "Whatever. Let me do it! You go sit!" she chirps, and Austin shrugs and sits back next to me. "Having fun?" Anna Grace asks, then takes a small sip of her beer. "Yeah, I guess so!" I smile, then I look over at Morgan. She reaches over into the fridge and grabs a beer and opens it. She turns around to see if anyone is looking, and pours beer into my cup. Excuse me!? What is she doing!? I walk over, "Why are you pouring beer into my cup?" I wonder. "Uhhhhh." Morgan stutters. "You know I don't drink. I haven't drunk any beer all night, and I don't plan on getting any." I state. "So why did you try pouring beer in my cup?" I ask. "Just you should try! You're being a little boring, and I feel like you should just," she pauses to think, "let loose!" she yells. "Well, I'm not gonna let loose! I don't want to get in trouble and go to jail for underage drinking! You can just have the beer! I don't want it!" I commanded. I grab a can of ginger ale out of the fridge and walk back to the couch. "What happened?" Austin questions. "Your step sister just tried swapping out my soda for a beer." I clarified. Austin looked mad, I can tell. He walked over and started talking to Morgan, and I just joined in on the other conversation. "I know we play this every week, but wanna play Never Have I Ever?" Zoey chirps. " I guess so, I'll start." Cleo announced. "So Nini, 'cause, you probably don't know how we play, if someone asks a question, and you have done said thing, you gotta take a sip of your drink!" Cleo says, raising your drink. "Alright, Never Have I Ever danced on a table." Cleo says. Morgan, Blake, Cleo, and Zoey takes a sip. "Alright, next question! Never Have I Ever cried over a breakup." Zoey announces. Anna Grace takes a sip, and I slowly sip my soda. Cleo gasps, "Nini! You've dated before! On the first day of school, you said you didn't!" Cleo says, surprised. "Well that was sophomore year, I dated my friend for a while, but he broke up with me, I mean did, it's kinda complicated." I stutter. "What was their name?" she asked. "Ricky, why?" I say. "No reason." Cleo says, then looks at Anna Grace, and she pulls out her phone. "Never Have I Ever tried speed dating." Austin says, while Anna Grace still on her phone. No one takes a sip, and Anna Grace's face lights up. "Is this Ricky?" Anna Grace shows me her phone, and there is a picture of Ricky standing in front of the skate park, with his helmet and his skateboard in hand. Dang, she found that fast! I nod slowly, "I wanna see!" Cleo bubbled, and Anna Grace showed her the photo. Jason put his arm around Cleo, and looks too. Cleo's eyes light up, "Oooo! He's cute!" Cleo smiles. Jason nudges her, and she chuckles, and kisses him on the cheek. This is going pretty well, I guess.

Friday, January 10, 2020, 11:45 pm


I listen in on the conversation, "Is it weird that I wanna try surfing?" Anna Grace. "You should totally try surfing! That's so cool!" Morgan chirps. "Yeah! I wanna see if I can get lessons for the summer!" she smiles. Blake jumps up, "Radical dudette!" he shouts, and everyone laughs, including me. "I'm gonna grab water, anyone wants anything?" I wonder. They shake their heads, and I walk over to the mini-fridge and grab a water bottle. I feel something moving in my pant pocket, and I turn around. "Look at me! I play the guitar!" Blake yells, doing the air guitar.

I look closely, and I see the guitar pick, the gift Ricky gave me, in Blakes's hand. "Give that back!" I yell, trying to take out of his hand. "'To Freaky Math Girl' Hahaha! You are a freaky math girl!" he reads. He puts his arm in the air, and I jump, trying to reach it. Why is he so tall!? "Hahaha! Freaky Math Girl! Hahaha!" Blake mocks, and Jason chuckles. The feeling of rage flows through my body. I got furious. I take my hand and smack it across his face, and he falls to the ground. The others gasp, and I take the guitar pick out of his hand, "Thank you very much!" I sass. I hold out the guitar pick with my index, middle and thumb finger, showing them the guitar pick, "You don't, and I say do not take anything that is mine, without my permission." I demand. "Do I have that clear?" I ordered. I look at everyone in the eyes, Jason hugged a pillow in fear, and I laugh inside.

Am I overreacting? Nah. They took something important to me, and I get mad. "I'm gonna head back to my dorm," I pause to think of an excuse, "I have a test on Monday, and I really don't want to fail," I say as I grab my backpack. "Want me to walk you back?" Anna Grace inquired. "Sure." I approve, heading for the door as Anna Grace follows. I give them a salute goodbye and close the door as Anna Grace follows behind. "What was that all about!? You slap Blake in the face over a guitar pick!" Anna Grace gasped as we walk down the hallway. "That guitar pick is special to me. Remember my friend Ricky we were talking about before." I say, and she nods. "On the opening night of our High School Musical, The Musical production, I gave him a dog tag necklace that said, 'To Freaky Call Back Boy'. He coincidentally gave me the guitar pick that read 'To Freaky Math Girl.' And on that night, he confessed his love for me, 'cause that last time in sophomore year, I said 'I love you,' but he didn't say it back. And we kissed, it was awesome!" I ramble. "That's so sweet!" Anna Grace complimented. We successfully crawl and tiptoe through the courtyard and to our dorms. "I'm gonna head to bed too. After what happened, it's probably super awkward." she chuckles. "Alright, Night Gracie!" I say, giving her a nickname. "Good night!" she whisper shouts. I walk into the dorm to see the lamp turned on, and Emily on her phone, "Your back early!" Emily welcomes. I shut the door behind me, "I just slapped someone in the face." I gushed. "And before you say anything, I didn't drink any beer or whatever they were having," I say, placing my phone and the guitar pick on my nightstand. "Who, and why?" Emily questions. "Blake pickpocketed me and took my guitar pick." I explain. "The one your friend gave you?" she inquired. I nod, "I just got so mad, I didn't know what to do, I just slapped him." I say, feeling proud. Emily checks the time, "Oh 12:23! Imma hit the hay." she says. "Alright." I say. I pick out pajamas and quickly take a shower and change. I walk out to see Emily already asleep. I tiptoe to my bed and get under the covers. I quickly check my phone and set my alarm on my alarm clock. I put my phone to the side and drift off the sleep.

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