+*Tutoring and Willow Trees*+

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Thursday, December 19, 2019, 4:22 pm


"Why, hello, Nini! How was your day?" Miss Alice welcomes at the library desk. 

"I'm doing good! How are you?" I whisper. 

"I'm doing well; there's an open table in the corner if you need to finish up homework." she grinned while pointing to the table on the other side of the room. 

"Perfect, thank you, Miss Alice!" I smile. 

"No problem." she smiled as I walk to the table on the other side of the room. 

I take a seat and place my bag on the chair next to me and grab my math book. 

I start writing an answer in my notebook, "Yo Nini." the feeling of joy flows through my body.

I immediately my lookup smiling, to see Austin leaning on a bookcase. 

"Oh, hey!" I greet. "You're in Mr. Robinson's class, right?" he questions. 

"Yep, that's me. Why?" I answer. 

"Can you help me with the homework? I would ask the guys, but they aren't around, and you were the first person I saw here." he clarified. 

"I thought you said you know the material in class?" I say quietly, trying to keep it quiet in the library. 

"Well, I kind of forgot, it was at the beginning of the day, and I just forgot everything." he chuckles. 

"I guess I'll help! Take a seat." I say, removing my bag from the chair and placing it on the floor. 

I pat the seat, welcoming him to sit, "What's the page?" he asks. "Page 274." I answer, finishing a question. 

"I already learned this back in my old school, so this is easy breezy for me. They also taught us a more easier way to do it, it's better, in my opinion." I say, lightly flipping my hair back out of my face. 

"So, what do you not get? What do you know how not to do?" I ask, adjusting in my seat to face him. 

"I just don't know how to do it." Austin answers. 

"Were you even listening in class?" I say, puzzled. 

"Well, yeah, but I really don't know how to do it. And I didn't want him to explain the whole thing again just to one student. That's just annoying." he answered. 

"Well, alright then, let's get started." I grinned. 

I start explaining the work, but he only stares at me. 

"Austin, focus." I snap my fingers, and he looks back at the paper I am writing on, and I continue explaining.

"And the answer is?" I ask.  

"x= 26?" he attempts. 

"No, x= 57. Let us try again. Wanna try number 14?" I correct. 

"Alright." he replies. 

We are gonna be here for quite. I could have been at my dorm by now, rocking out to the High School Musical soundtrack. 

Curse my generosity.

Thursday, December 19, 2019, 5:47 pm


"x= 1,017" he answers. I smile, "Correct! And the seventh correct answer in a row!" I chirp. 

"Yay me!" he laughs, and I join in. 

"I think you know the work! I'm happy for you." I smile. 

He looks directly into my eyes. This felt like one of the beautiful awkward silences Ricky and I had when we looked in each other's eyes.

 Oh, Ricky is the best. 

I check my time, "Oh, I gotta run." I say, looking at the time on my phone. 

"Me too, thank you for helping me." he smiles. We pick up our bags and start walking toward the exit. 

"Goodbye, Miss Alice!" I say, waving goodbye. 

"Goodbye!" she replies, waving back. 

Austin opens the door for me, and we walk outside. "I'll see ya tomorrow?" he assumes. 

"See ya tomorrow." I repeat as we walk our separate ways. 

I really didn't know he was such a gentleman, he was funny, kind, sorta smart, and just plain handsome. 

And I know he likes me, but I don't like him, but my questions are, do I like him?

On my way back to my dorm, I come across the willow tree, "Hey, Nini!" I hear, and I look down to see Anna Grace sitting against the bottom of the tree with a notebook on her lap. 

"Hey! Whatcha doing?" I ask. 

"Nothing much, come and sit!" she chirps, patting the grass next to her. 

"I don't see why not!" I say. 

I really don't have anything to do other than rock out to the High School Musical soundtrack, so why not. 

I sit next to her against the tree, "I've never really noticed this here." I say. 

"Really? It's in the corner of the courtyard!" she says, looking over at me. 

"Well, I never really got the time to look around. This school is beautiful." I speak, fixing my hair out of my face. 

We sit there for a couple of seconds, "Can I tell you something?" Anna Grace questions. 

"Sure, what's up?" I reply. 

"Can you promise not to tell Cleo and the girls?" she questions again. 

"Yeah." I nod. "I never really liked Cleo, Zoey, and Morgan. They are all just so annoying. All Cleo does is boss us around and just act as if she's the queen. All they do is just talk about boys and how someone looks. It's horrible!" she explains. 

"Yeah, they can be annoying. All Cleo is talking about is Austin and me. I literally met him yesterday! And-" I get interrupted. 

"Wait, you met him before today? she wonders. 

"Well, he's in my class. And when I fell in the hallway with papers for the front desk, he helped me pick them up. He was sweet, and it was nice of him to help." I smile. 

"Well, that's nice. And about Cleo and the girls, I never really wanted to be their friend. One day last year, I was just sitting alone in the cafeteria, and Cleo yells, 'Hey, girl! Come sit with us!' and I really didn't want to, but I just walked over. And before I knew it, I was their friend." she says. 

"Yeah, that's like what happened to me. I just ask where a class is, and I'm now your friend." I say with a chuckle. 

"Oh, and, why are you just sitting my this tree?" I chuckle. 

"Oh, yeah, I just like coming here, just for peace and quiet.

I just think about things and whatever. You should come here." she says. 

I check the time on my phone, "Oh, I gotta run." I notified, standing back up. 

"Oh well, It was nice talking to you! See ya tomorrow!" I say, waving goodbye. 

"Bye!" she bubbled as I walk away. 

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