Part 1

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Part 1

3rd person POV

Amara rolled out of bed groaning, today was her first day counselling at UA. She was indeed excited but she didn't get that much sleep. She started playing some music and started her morning routine. After showering, doing her hair, moisturizing her skin and putting on an outfit that she was satisfied with she made her way to the kitchen. She didn't feel like eating breakfast so she drank a cup of coffee. Before leaving she took her purse, her car keys and a box that sat in the fridge all night. In the car she played some rap music, really needing the extra the confidence music gave her to go through the day.

Amara was gorgeous. She was a tall black woman, her skin rich in melanin glowed under the sun like diamonds, her box braids tied in a low ponytail reached the middle of her back, her plump pink lips were covered by a thick layer of clear lip-gloss. She was wearing her hero costume which was: a red pair of shorts and a red tank top, pretty simple you might think. Well you're right but she also had on a mask covering her whole face, it was black with red spikes, but she wasn't wearing it at the moment. She didn't really like wearing her hero costume, it was very practical when fighting but it was tight, really tight. Amara had curves, she was thick, like really. So thick that everybody in the room was so uncomfortable like Drake said. She had long legs, pretty face, perfect body and rich.
She was a fucking Black Barbie

In front of the building she parked her car and before leaving took a deep breath "You can do it Amara" she said. She left her car and starting looking for class A-1. She finally found it. She knocked on the door and entered:

Amara: Excuse my tardiness I had trouble finding the classroom.

She put the box on a table and introduced herself

Amara: Good Morning everyone my name is Amara Keith and I'll be your new school counselor

Some pink girl raised her hand:

???: Are your pro-hero Lux

Amara took a loot at the files the principal gave her

Amara: Yes, and you must be Mina Ashido

The pink haired girl nodded and another student raised their hand:

???: What's your quirk?

Amara: Actually I have many quirks. Basically I can control water and air, my 3rd quirk is similar to Eraserhead's I can also remove someone's quirk, but for good. I use it rarely though it takes so much energy it could kill me and I'm too young to die

Surprise was written on everyone's faces, understandable Amara was ethereal, she was also powerful, it was very rare for someone to have more than one quirk. All might was unfazed, he knew Amara well, she wasn't telling them everything.

Amara: Anyway, enough talking about me, I would like to know more about my students and colleagues. By the way I brought donuts

She opened the box that she brought, inside were beautiful glazed donuts, Amara was also a wonderful cook. Normal since she was the eldest daughter raised in an African household. Everyone moved and took some except one, the infamous Eraser head also known as Shota Aizawa, he didn't seem to like the new counselor:

Aizawa: You're kissing ass on your first day I see, plus you like to show off

Amara wasn't really the type to let things like that go, she was short-tempered and didn't lose time to clap-back, even by saying things she didn't really mean:

Amara: You probably didn't know that but where I'm from when you're invited somewhere or get a job you never go empty-handed it's tradition. You should know more about people before judging them but I guess judging is probably the only thing you're good at. You are right though I like to show off because I have things to show. What do you have to show except those dry eyes, hair that haven't been brushed since Jesus died and this whack-ass outfit that you wore everyday of your life, wanting to judge me when you're over there looking like a homeless man.

The new counselor Aizawa FFWhere stories live. Discover now