Sugar Addict

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I stare, my eyes growing wider and wider, whilst Asami pours in one spoon after the other of sugar. A third, then a fourth, finally a fifth heaped teaspoon, which she stirs vigorously, humming to herself and studying her book yet again.

"You erm... Sure like it sweet," I laugh, taking the sugar bowl away from her and putting one spoon into my own cardboard cup.

"Are you going to tell me I'll get fat again?" she asks, cocking an eyebrow, her attention drawn from her study.

"Nope, but you might rot your teeth."

"My teeth are perfect, thank you very much."

"I thought your hair was your best feature?" I mumble over my drink, then wince as it touches my lip. Still too hot.

"Why, were you thinking of adding 'Teeth' to my nickname list?" she asks, smirking to herself. Then she returns to her book.

"I think two is enough for now." I chuckle, but she barely even nods to acknowledge me, frowning at a particular passage she has her finger on. Guess she wasn't kidding about the 'not good company' thing, but she seems easy enough to hang around all the same. "Anyway, I'm gonna have to go grab a sandwich, then meet Bo in the gym," I figure I should excuse myself, since she clearly prefers her own company right now, nose deep in that book of hers. Or so I think, but I'm sure I see an almost sorrowful look flash across her face, just for a second.

"Sure, I'll see you in class tomorrow," she says, flipping a page, but not looking up.

I don't know why, but I feel a certain sense of unease leaving her on her own like this. I glance over my shoulder but she's still reading, occasionally sipping at her coffee. And... Oh crap, I left my coffee there.

"Sorry, forgot this," I grimace for interrupting her, grabbing the still-steaming cup, and she looks up, smiling this time.

"Well if you can't even remember your drink, I guess you should definitely stick to two nicknames." She laughs, then brushes a few loose hairs behind her ear and carries on reading.

"See you later, Hair," I chuckle, waving as I head off, feeling it's a far cooler exit this time, then wondering why I even care about putting on a show.

"Bye, guns." I hear her say, with a half-laugh.

I didn't keep my promise. I was supposed to only do two hours at the gym, tops, but it ended up being three again, as always. I walk into the shower, my muscles sore and starting to cramp up whilst I turn the faucet handle. The hot water cascades down my body, easing my tired joints, and I take a moment to empty my mind, closing my eyes, enjoying the warmth. Thankfully, the academy installed separate cubicles rather than communal showers, though I suppose that has a lot to do with the rather wide age group we have here. There's a hard minimum of sixteen for new starters, but people can be here until they're almost thirty, going on to become teachers themselves, or professional slayers in the city, or beyond. Generally, students leave when they pass their final, though to pass it they first need to be approved by no less than three high ranking officials. I think the youngest ever student to pass was Avatar Aang, my predecessor - he passed at just nineteen years old, and went on to become one of the greatest slayers the world had ever seen, even taking down one of the largest, most corrupt powers in vampire society - the Klandis.

"Hah," I laugh to myself, lifting my head up and letting the water spill across my face. Vampire societies, who on earth came up with that oxymoron? The few vamps I've met were feral, and soon ended up losing their heads. Most common people think you stake them in the heart with a spike of wood, and I've honestly no idea where that myth came from. What's stabbing a cold, dead heart gonna do? And why wood? Decapitation or burning them to a crisp, those are the only two proven ways that we know about, so far. I have three notches on my vamp-killing belt, top in my class, and I'm quite proud of the fact, especially that one time when I used a sharp piece of ice to cut its head clean off...

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