Asami's Secret

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No sooner has the painfully-loud noise stopped, than Tenzin bursts through the door, red-faced and panting.

"Cube five seniors, with me, hurry!" he exhales. By seniors he means us, the eldest in the group, basically anyone over twenty. Cube five's relatively young at the moment, so the seniors would include Yena and Sen, then myself, Bolin, Mako, and I guess... Asami? Seems a big ask for a new girl to be involved in a hunt so soon.

"Okay, the rest follow me, we're off to have ourselves a bunker party," Toph cackles, shuffling away, "And no pushing, or shoving, and stay double-file, shoulder to shoulder! You know the drill!"

"Be careful honey," Opal kisses Bolin on his cheek, then moves her lips to his, where she lingers. She's soon dragged away by Toph, muttering something about how kids can't stop sticking their lips to each other these days.

"Smash one for me, Korra," Jinora grins, arm-in-arm with Kai. The rest of them follow Toph, in a tight formation, as instructed. They'll be headed to the bunker, a protected sub-level of the school where all lower cubes and non-seniors can safely reside. They can stay down there for days at a time, or even weeks, if it comes to it. There's food, water, air, beds, stuff needed to get through anything short of an apocalypse. I've been down there twice myself, and it's exciting at first, but there was this one time where we were stuck there for two days, back when they had to clear out a mutant hornet nest. Yeah. It started to get dull, real fast.

I nod at Jinora, "Will do, Jinny. Take care." Of course, what, exactly I'll be 'smashing' remains to be seen. I look across the room to see that Asami looks a little lost, and I realise she's probably unsure whether to follow the juniors or stay put.

"Hey, Hair! Over here," I wave her across, and she shrugs, then walks towards me.

"Ah, the new girl, apologies, but I need you to follow the others." Tenzin says, fiddling with his belt. He's wearing his scabbard, complete with his sheathed, silver longsword. I've seen the blade before, and it's beautiful, engraved tip to hilt with runes. It's the same weapon that Aang once wielded, passed down to his son. I don't think I mentioned it before, but avatar Aang was Tenzin's Father. Kind of weird to have a teacher act like a father to me when my previous life was a father to him - man, this stuff really hurts my head.

Asami stays put, doesn't follow Toph like she's told, and I hum quietly, a smile curving up my lips at the thought that she may actually be as stubborn as I am. "I'd rather stay, if that's okay." She says. Hah, so she is stubborn. Maybe we'll get along better than I thought, though it depends if she's going to spend her whole life reading books, eating sugar and ignoring people.

"Asami, wasn't it? As I said, I need you to-"

"I'll be fine, Sir. Really." Asami says, lacing her fingers together, then stretching out her knuckles with a few small pops.

"No, this won't do. You've had barely any training, just do as you are tol-"

A loud crash down the hall, followed be a high-pitched, blood curdling scream, puts a swift end to the argument. For once, I think I agree with Tenzin on this one, but I guess I'll just have to keep an eye on Asami. It wouldn't do for her to die on her second day... I can just imagine the tabloid headlines if the daughter of the Satotech CEO died here. It doesn't even bear thinking about. We race towards the place the sound came from, and there's a smashed window with chunks of coloured glass scattered everywhere. Come to think of it, we don't have coloured glass, not down this corridor.

Yeah... it's blood. The glass is stained with blood. I shake my head, wondering which poor bastard was taken here.

"This isn't good," Tenzin mutters, peering through the gaping hole of the huge, half-destroyed window.

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