A New World [Kyoshi, part 4]

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Kyoshi Estate

It has been three weeks since Asami changed.

In the first week I felt panic, wondering if I had made the wrong decision, wondering if it were safe to allow both her and Helena to stay. Trust is a hard thing as it is, but for matters like this, I find myself perplexed. I am eternally grateful that Asami yet lives, I do trust her, and I do trust that she is herself. Her laugh, her smile, and the way she kisses me, none of this has changed. Even Helena seems like herself, giving me no reason to distrust her, no reason to distrust either of them. And yet, the side of me that has spent almost every day of my adult life fighting the beasts around us, she screams at me to be wary, to watch my back.

In the second week, I could no longer hide the truth from my warriors, especially given that Asami survived the disease, yet only trains after the sun has set. I rallied them together for a meeting, and told them that above all else they must trust me, and trust my judgement. Thankfully their loyalty outweighs all else, and even the most stubborn of my girls, Dee, has started to shown signs of acceptance. Indeed just yesterday I saw her prodding at Helena's fangs, then sucking on her own finger. Strange behaviour, for sure.

In the third week I revealed the truth to the people of my estate, the villagers. They are fearful, they do not see vampires as anything other than a threat. Unfortunately, they may soon be forced to accept them.

For now, I have bigger concerns. Five more warriors and sixteen more villagers have died to the invisible plague, and I can no longer stand idly by as it claims victim after victim. Asami has kept herself up late at night, often headed into the wilds beyond, returning just before daybreak, in some mad attempt to scour out a possible cure. She brings herbs and tonics, and I admire the fact that in just two weeks she has found a way to ease people's suffering. But it is not enough, I cannot and will not allow this to continue, for if I do, there will be no warriors left to defend this world.

Today, I will make the hardest choice of my life.


"Are you sure about this?" Asami asks, sitting by my side on a bench in the entry hall just outside my chambers. Most of my rooms are illuminated by candle light now, with the windows filled in, so that Asami can freely roam during the day.

"No. But the alternative would be to watch everyone die," I say, shifting myself into her embrace.

Helena paces the wooden floor before us, causing the same plank to creak every time she steps on it, looking deep in thought, "It is a logical choice, one that I support. But the repercussions..."

"I shall have to deal with those later," I say, all too well aware of how hated I shall be. How loathed, "But are you certain we cannot just-"

"No," Helena interrupts me, "we cannot turn the sick. The law is absolute."

Helena spent some time last week explaining these so-called laws. It seems that their council is very strict, and punishes misdemeanours with extreme prejudice, in many cases execution. One such crime would be for a vampire to sire more than one prodigy. I close my eyes, and squeeze Asami's hand, "It was a foolish thought anyway. I would not ask it of my people, for them to lose their humanity." I feel her hand twitch at the words, and see a familiar sadness in her eyes. She has tried to convince me that they are still human, but I cannot see how it is so, no matter how hard I try. It is that other part of me, the warrior, that refuses to accept such a truth, and I know that my girls feel the same.

"Then let us begin," I say, standing up, trying to steel my resolve, and do what must be done, "Join me tonight, for I will need your support."

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