Blessed sunset [Kyoshi, part 2]

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Three weeks later - the Kyoshi estate

"I'm not sure that I follow," I say, frowning at the diagram upon the scroll before me. Asami's drawn a design for a 'special' fan which she insists would be lightweight, easy to use, and lethal, if I just give her permission and the resources to make a pair. "I use my fans to enhance airbending, but why would I want the warriors to use them? Will they waft our enemies to death?"

"What? No!" Asami exclaims, pacing the room, and I can see she's starting to get flustered because her cheeks have turned bright red. If only I could see this passion in my chambers, yet she hasn't come to me, not even once after I recruited her three weeks ago, "They're light, they're sharp, and we could adapt your style into something that works without bending," she glares at me, waiting for an answer, and there's such fierce passion in those dazzling green eyes that I find it almost breath-taking. I am surprised by just how drawn I am to her, not that it matters, for I do not entertain my own feelings or passions when it comes to my girls, only theirs. I want them to be happy. I wish to please them.

"Kyoshi?" She folds her arms, looking clearly angry. Out of all the warriors, she is the only one who dares to address me this way, often receiving surprised glances from the others. Still, I do not comment, nor do I chide her, for it entertains me.

"If it will placate you, I shall make the arrangements. You wish to craft one pair to start with, correct?"

"Yes. I just need some silver, and access to a forge."

"Just silver you say?" I smile, knowing as well as she just how rare the resource is. Ever since finding out that it can detect and destroy the vampire a year ago, if has been in high demand indeed.

"Please. Just a fifth of an ingot," the way she looks at me right now, I feel as though I could trust her with my very soul. I can only hope that I am not allowing myself to be biased in my decision.

"Very well, now return to your training, warrior."

After she leaves, I tap my closed fan against my hand, wondering what on earth this woman has up her sleeve now. She's been absolutely relentless in her training, already earning a nickname amongst the others - hurricane - for she never stops. I sometimes wonder if she is fuelled with a spirit similar to Raava.

"That is doubtful," Raava speaks, peering into my thoughts, as always.

"I know. But she has to get it from somewhere," I think, chuckling to myself.

"Is that... admiration I sense? From the mighty Kyoshi?" Raava gasps.

"Oh stop this nonsense. You know I do not entertain such thoughts," I think, with a sigh.

"But perhaps you should?"

"Absolutely not," I state, feeling angry at the suggestion. I have no time for romance, matters of the heart. Pleasing my girls is one thing. Giving myself, quite another. Simply not practical. And yet, I think of those green, fierce eyes... and. No, it's improper. It won't do. I am here for them, to serve their needs alone. That is how it is, and how it will always be.

"Yet you yearn for her..." Raava sighs.

"Raava, do you mind?"

"But it is okay to feel this way!"

"It is not, and I do not. Please may we change the subject?" I fold my arms.

"Very well. I believe the fans may be a good idea."

"Oh? Then let us see what she comes back with..."

One week later

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