Raava Rrrraava

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I hesitate at Asami's dorm, one hand clenching the handle of a plastic carrier bag packed full of goodies, the other raised in a fist at the door, ready to knock. I don't get it, I never hesitate like this with Opal or Jinora. In fact I used to barge their doors down more or less, until that one time I caught Opal and Bolin. Yeesh, I feel a small shudder tremble through me at that memory. Okay, okay. This is ridiculous. I take a deep breath, and lightly tap my knuckles against the wood.

"Korra?" I hear her voice, muffled from within.


"It's open, come in." My heart thuds in my chest at her words. I wasn't expecting an invite in, I thought we'd be heading straight out, not that it matters. I press the handle down, and ease the door open to find her sat at her dresser, a hair-clip in her mouth, and her hands behind her head holding up a mass of raven locks.

"Ome mimute," she mumbles, quickly tying a hair-band in her hair and then sliding the clip in, roughly where her side-parting starts. I glance around her room, and there's honestly nothing out of the ordinary. If anything, it's unusually bland, her walls bare of the usual stuff that you'd see in a student's room. Then again I suppose she only got here yesterday.

"Did you want any posters or anything? Spruce the place up a bit?" I ask.

"Is my room not to your satisfaction?" She peers at me from the corner of her eye, smirking.

"Hey, you just got here. I'm trying to be nice." I mutter.

"If you have anything spare, that would be lovely. Thank you," she says, quickly placing a metal tin, a lighter, and a large bar of chocolate into a back pack.

"What's all that?" I ask, raising an eyebrow.

"You'll see. Let's get the hell out of here," she says, standing to her feet, pushing her chair under the dresser, and slinging her backpack across one shoulder. It looks like I'm not the only one who got changed - Asami is wearing a black, loose fitting blouse, with several buttons undone. A few loose strands of her hair cascade across her pale skin, snaking their way over her collarbones, and towards her cleavage. I quickly lower my gaze past her torso, in case she gets the wrong idea. She's wearing a pair of faded dark-red jeans, with a hole at one knee, a black, leather belt, and the same gothic-style boots she usually wears, complete with straps and thick, metal buckles. I'm glad they only have a short heel, otherwise she'd tower over me, and she's already tall enough as it is - maybe a good inch or two above me.

"So, where are we going?" I ask, as she locks her door, then slides her key into her back pocket.

"I was hoping I could pick your brain for that," she smiles, tilting her head slightly, "We need somewhere rather... private. And preferably outdoors."

"Uh... hmm." I think on it for a moment, "Well, I do have a spot where I usually chill, out by an oak tree. Nobody really goes there."

"Sounds great. Lead the way!"


Before long, we're leaving the main building through a side entrance, and I smile when I see that the clouds from earlier have cleared, and the evening sun shines brightly in the sky.

"Ah good, no rain," Asami says with a wide smile, and maybe it's because of the sunlight, but her sharp, green eyes look all kinds of amazing right now, "I was worried we'd have to do this indoors. Far from ideal."

"And what exactly is this?" I ask, tearing my gaze away from her.

"So impatient! Get us to this tree of yours," she chuckles.

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