Wet Dream

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The first thing I notice is warmth, soft skin pressed closely against mine, and her breath hot against my lips. The second thing - her fingers, threaded between mine, and the strength in them so very different from before; weakness replaced by vitality. Death replaced with life.

"Kyoshi..." she whispers, her voice dry, her teeth capturing my lip, her hand between my thighs, fingers sliding into me. I cry out, forgetting how much I missed her touch, forgetting how good it feels. How could I ever forget?

I writhe into her hand, into her fingers, forgetting myself, forgetting everything. The world can wait, just for now. Just for this one moment... just for her. I burn hotter, hotter still when her teeth clasp onto my stiff nipple and my whole body responds, arching into her. "Don't stop..." I groan, my body quivering, my hips thrusting against her, "don't stop... fuck..." I can feel it, I can feel her, and she's all that I feel. A spasm shudders through me, and I'm overwhelmed with pleasure, with love. She's alive... she's alive, and I'm coming, coming against her hand, against her fingers, my wetness streaming over them, my lips crying out her name, "A-Asami!"

I suddenly wake up, sitting bolt upright, drawing air into my lungs so quickly that you'd think I'd been drowning. I'm coated in a thick film of sweat, and I'm panting, shaking.

"What the... what the fuck..." I gasp, talking to myself, holding a hand to my damp forehead. I fumble blindly against the wall above my headboard, finding the dimmer switch and turning it to half-brightness, giving me enough light to see but no so much that it'll hurt my eyes. There's a hot dampness between my legs, I think maybe it's because of the dream, but when I lift the covers I see crimson stains down the inside of my thighs and a small pool of blood on the mattress. I'm also cramping like a bitch, and a dull ache is throbbing again and again down below my waist. "Damn it..." I quietly curse. I'm early, by about two days. And what the hell was that dream about? It was more vivid than ever.

I quickly get out of bed before I make too much of a mess on my covers, then grab a handful of tissues from a box on my dresser and dab myself as dry as possible. I stuff more tissues into a fresh pair of underwear, pulling it up before I can leak again, clumsily climb into a pair of black joggers and tug on the same blue T-Shirt I wore earlier. Then I grab a pad, and head bare-footed to the showers just down the hall.

My feet make dull thudding sounds, echoing down the empty, black hallway. I didn't check the time before I left, but I can see through the windows that it's pitch black outside, and the motion-sensor lights are flicking on as I walk, which is all kinds of spooky; not that I'm frightened or anything.

The smaller shower block is just a minute away from my dorm, and thankfully it's vacant, meaning that I don't have to go all the way to the gym showers. I enter the first of the two cubicles, locking the door behind and then growling when another painful cramp pulses through me. I quickly tug my clothes off, resting them on the wooden chair in the corner, then pull the shower curtain back and step into the white-tiled enclosure.

"Oh, great," I sigh, looking down my legs to see things have gotten quite bloody, I mean, it actually feels like I'm an extra in some lame-ass B-rated horror flick. I forgot my soap, so I'll have to use the cheap free stuff, but it's not like I care - soap is soap, despite how much Jinora may protest. Right now I care more about the fact that I didn't take a painkiller the second I noticed the blood, like I should have, and now the pain is going from bad to worse. Hopefully the hot water will help, and when I twist the faucet handle I try to settle on a temperature a little higher than normal for that very reason.

The water hisses out from the metal shower head, and my blood soon dilutes with the streams of water, washing down my legs then into the drain in pink, semi-translucent streams. I place my palms against the tiles, splaying my fingers wide and leaning down so that the spray splashes against the back of my neck and across my shoulders. My sleep-deprived grogginess starts to clear, and I take a few moments to try to understand what the hell just happened.

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