Bits and Bites

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"You ready?" I ask, nervously smoothing down my black, sleeveless vest.

I'm stood just in front of Asami's open doorway, and can't help but peer inside, noticing that her room looks a lot brighter now. I can't believe she's actually put up some of the posters we gave her, though I wonder if she's put them up to be nice, or if she actually likes them. My favourite poster has the prime position, just above her headboard, and I smile to myself at the sight.

"All ready!" she beams, then follows my gaze, "Oh, I liked that one the most," she says, "Did you pick it?"

"Yeah." I smirk, but refrain from telling her it was my favourite, "You're not wearing your boots today?" I ask, glancing down to see a simple pair of black trainers with red laces.

"Not if we're walking around. Pain I can tolerate, but discomfort, not so much."

"Fair enough," I say running my gaze across her form. She's wearing baggy, black combat pants, which somehow manage to hug her ass perfectly, and a loose-hanging white shirt with several buttons popped open at the top. She's got the same pendant on as always, a hollow half-cog symbol with the ridges pointed upwards. I think I'm gonna ask her about it someday, because it's not quite the same as her company logo, but clearly means something to her since she wears it all the time.

She pulls out a long, plain black jacket from her wardrobe, and throws her arms into the sleeves, then pulls her hair out from under the collar. "Shall we?" she asks, walking towards me.

"Yeah. They'll all be waiting in the car park," I say, moving away from the doorway, "I hope you're ready."

"For what?" she asks, turning and locking her door.

"For the looks. And the questions. And the bullshit," I say, shaking my head with a sigh. She just laughs in response, shrugs and hooks her arm through mine, forcing a grin to my lips and a shiver down my spine. "How come you're doing all this anyway?" I ask, still thinking she must be up to something to tag along so eagerly.

"What do you mean?" she asks, as we start to walk up the north hall.

"The club. And now Gaoling. Doesn't it bore you?" I frown, "I mean, you must have done it a thousand times now."

She looks around to make sure nobody's nearby, and answers, "It's rare to have human company. I'm just making the most of it, whilst I still can."

"Sound ominous." I frown, "Is there something I should know about?"

She sighs, whilst looking straight ahead, "You remember I said Thursday was a shitty day?"

"The funeral?" I ask, intentionally slowing our pace. I want to know what this is about.

"Yes. But also, I had a chat with your Uncle. We've decided it's time."

I almost stop in my tracks, "Does that mean what I think it means?"

She looks sad for less than a second, but seems to shrug it off, "Yeah. I'm 'coming out' on Monday." She says, winking.

"Shit..." I frown, thinking it over, "I mean on one hand, yay, no more secrets... but... what's the plan afterwards?"

"I'll continue studying, at least in some classes. We need to get a feel for how deeply any sane hatred runs."

"You make it sound like you're bait!"

"I am." She says, matter-of-factly.

Okay, this time I do stop in my tracks, looking at her with an awful, sinking feeling in my chest, "Asami..."

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