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Looks like I transferred my weekend sleep-in to Sunday, even though I went to bed stupidly early. Maybe my weary muscles needed the extra down-time, or maybe my bed was just too comfortable, it's hard to say. Whatever the reason, I don't get out of bed until around twelve, and even then it's mainly because I'm hungry, and also because I'm still bleeding so need to get changed and have a wash. Fun times. At least I didn't have any messed up dreams, or I don't think I did.

After clumsily getting dressed, I check my phone to see if Asami replied last night, then smile when I see not one but two emails from her. I sit back down on the bed and quickly read them, blinking my freshly-woken, blurry eyes against the harsh screen light.


[re: re: Guns, is that you?]

Stalking you?! You wish!

I was bored. I surfed the forums, and stumbled into your post. Don't get your hopes up, Guns. :-)


"Yeah, sure. You keep telling yourself that, Sato," I chuckle to myself, opening the next email.


[re: re: Guns, is that you?]

And yes, I'm okay - thanks for asking. Mother had a dizzy spell and fainted, so she had to get a scan to check a few things. Turns out she's fine, just low blood pressure.

Hospitals are boring as shit, and they stink. I hate them... I'm just glad we're home now...

I'll be here a bit longer to watch over some boring business stuff whilst she's resting up. Will probably hop on a flight back over there Monday, all going well.

Hair -x-


Huh, now that I think about it, about the Sato Estate is just outside Republic City, though I'm not sure exactly where. Asami must have flown from Gaoling airport, which is just fifteen miles from the academy. It's been a while since I went to Gaoling. Maybe I'll head up there in a couple of weeks, and try to find myself some nice new boy pants. I'll ask the guys along, and Asami too - it'd be nice to get her involved with the Krew. I mean, the group. Damnit, Jinora.

I tap out a quick reply on my phone:


Glad to hear it. I mean, not glad she's in hospital, but glad she's okay.

And yeah, hospitals suck. See you soon.

K x


I'm about to hit send, then at the last minute, I add my mobile number. Just in case. Well, in case she needs to call, or text, or you know. In case she needs me. Not that I can imagine why she'd need me, and maybe I shouldn't have sent her it, but too late, it's done.

"Calm your shit down, idiot," I mutter to myself, standing from the bed, pocketing my mobile and heading to the washrooms. I almost jump out of my skin when the phone buzzes suddenly, with what sounds like a dying whale noise. I'm definitely going to have to get Jinora back one day for her phone-meddling. I flip the case lid to see I have a new text message, from a number not in my contacts list. I smile to myself as soon as I read it.

Unknown: Thanks for the number, this is mine. Also, please keep quiet about Mum - I don't want the media to know. Privacy violation, one of many perks of being a Sato.

I pause mid-step to add her to my contacts, and tap out a quick reply:

Me: No problem, will do. Uh, text me if you... get bored or whatever.

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