Blood and Icecream

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I'm woken by the sound of dogs barking, and I'm confused for at least a minute until I realise it's my new phone. Annnd... that's not my alarm tone. How... how the fuck does she do this? I groan, reaching for the device and quickly silencing it.

I stretch out and sit up on the end of the bed, rubbing sleep out of my eyes. Man, last night's story was all kinds of fucked up... poor Kyoshi. I guess now I know what Asami meant about humans being cruel. I'm not sure if it's made me feel better since she's obviously going to be on full alert, or worse, because people can be capable of that kind of shit in the first place. I send her another text, figuring it can't hurt.

Me: Hey Hair - good luck today. Whatever happens, we've got your back.

Then I go through the usual rigmarole of getting ready. I half-wonder if I should even head to class, since I know we'll be summoned to the hall soon. Then again, nobody's said what time all of this is actually going to go down. I'm pulling up my trousers when I hear my message alert go off - it's a cow, mooing. "Damn it, Jinora," I chuckle, grabbing the phone after buttoning up my shirt.

Asami: Thanks. I'm here now, with your Uncle.

Me: And you're using your phone? He hates tech!

Asami: Yes, because it generally blows up when he gets near it. I'm expecting my phone to go on the fritz any second.

Huh, I didn't actually know that. Well, that explains his loathing of all things technological.

Me: I'll see you later. Maybe we could meet up by the Oak?

I ask nervously, fully aware I'm probably asking for way too much of her time right now.

Asami: Maybe. Will talk later.

Well, that's that. I sigh loudly, tying my sneaker laces. Can't blame a girl for trying.

Once I'm done getting ready, I stop by MaBeans, expecting to hear the school speakers burst into sound at any moment. Thankfully I have time to drink my morning coffee and stuff down a bagel before they do. Everyone in the cafe winces at the high pitched squeak that rings out, then there's a loud cough, followed by my Uncles voice in his usual, monotone tone.

"Attention all students, please head to the main sports hall. I repeat, head to the main sports hall."

There's a sound of running feet in the background, then my uncle yelling.

"NO RUNNING! There is no need for panic."

My heart speeds up, half because of excitement, half because of dread. Everything is changing, so fast, but I suppose finally... There'll be no more secrets. No more secrets is good, but in this case I know it's selfish of me to think that way. Once I head out of the shop, I grin when I see the Krew waiting for me.

"Come on Korra," Mako mumbles, "we've been waiting all day."

"Slight exaggeration," I say, playfully scowling.

"So what's the plan here anyway?" He asks, as we huddle together and follow the stream of students down the east wing.

"I guess, try to talk sense into people if they start any crap..."

"That might be a lot of people," Jinora says, looking pensive.

"Yeah. Oh and guys, you have to keep quiet about us. Erm, I mean, Asami and me."

"You mean your raucous sex exploi-" Opal begins, loudly.

"Shh!" I hiss, wincing.

"Are you gonna stop seeing each other?" Kai asks, looking concerned for me at the words.

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