First Kiss

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Thankfully, campus is pretty quiet at this time of night, which saves me from having to explain why I have a stoned, race-car impersonating glowing-eyed woman with me. I park up Su's moped outside the north gate, and sigh, wondering why the hell I'm even doing this.

"Come on, let's get you to bed," I say, almost despising the words the second they leave my mouth. I can't believe Raava is putting me up to this, she must know how much I hate these... things.

"What is thaaaat?" Asami suddenly tilts her head up, lifts her shades, and her eye-slits narrow whilst she stares somewhere past me to the south, roughly in the direction of the hub, "A party?" she asks.

I'm confused for a moment until I realise what's down there. "You can... hear the club? Benders? All the way from here?" I ask, raising an eyebrow.

"It sounds fun," she says, grinning wildly, and I'm half expecting her fangs to pop back out at any second.

"You're not going," I say, folding my arms, though I know there's shit all I could do to stop her if she wanted to leave. I saw what she did to that Feral, the one that I didn't stand a chance against. I shudder, suddenly painfully aware of the fact she could literally rip me apart before I'd even have the chance to blink.

"Awwww," She sticks her lower lip out. Man, stoned-vampire-Asami is a sight to behold. The cat-eyes just make it all the more strange, and I reach out to her forehead, lowering her shades back down, wondering at what point her eyes will go back to normal. Does she even know that they look like this? I shake my head, grab her hand and lead her up the north wing staircase. She follows, even though she has the strength to break every bone in my hand, or throw me against a wall and break my neck. Instead, she just rests her palm gently in mine, so gently that it's almost like I'm holding onto a child's hand.

It's stupid, but I feel angry at the fact that I'm struggling to stay angry at her. It's because of the way she's acting, and how it seems so completely different to everything I expected of a Sane. Maybe it's my blood. Maybe they're precisely as evil as I know them to be, once they're sober. I can't trust her. I won't trust her. But when I pause at her dorm door, and glance at her only to see that same sad expression I saw earlier, I know I can't just leave her here.

I growl in frustration, grabbing her hand again, "change of plans. You're stopping with me."

"Yaaaay!" she grins from ear to ear, and I just shake my head, refusing to get caught up in this.

Our dorms are only five rooms apart as it happens, but I need to make a quick detour to the wash rooms first. "Stay here." I order, and Asami salutes, accidentally knocking her glasses to the side so that they're hanging at an odd angle. I reach up and fix them, in case anyone walks past and sees those damn messed-up eyes. "Two minutes, okay?" I'll have to be quick, since I'm fairly sure she won't stick around. I push open one of the private cubicle doors, pull my top up and run some warm water from the sink, bending it up to my wound. It doesn't look so bad, two gashes at my shoulders, both a little deep, but nothing I can't heal myself. Besides, the nurse, Katara, will be in bed at this hour.

Happy that the wound is sealed, and fixed beyond scarring, I quickly pull my T-Shirt back over my head and head into the hallway, breathing a sigh of relief when I see Asami, stood right where I left her.

"Okay, almost there," I say, grabbing her by the arm, and coaxing her the small distance that remains until we're stood at my door, room 29B. I pull my keys out from my back pocket, unlocking the door and gesturing for her to walk inside. She yawns loudly, then once she's inside, she pauses, yawns again, and falls forwards before I can stop her. She literally face-plants onto my dorm floor with a loud whoomph, falling right onto my dark blue thick-pile carpet, her hands at her sides.

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