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The morning passes quickly, although I almost arrived at class late due to sleeping in yet again.

Miss Rosenberg - Kya - takes us through a few chapters of one of her favourite novels, a pretty cool post-apocalyptic story called Swan Song. Then she quizzes us on it, and various usages of language within. We're given an hour to write what we think will happen next between two of the main characters, and I (naturally) make up something ridiculous about a gay werewolf romance even though the story is meant to be semi-serious. It doesn't matter though, we're scored on grammar and punctuation, and using our imagination is generally awarded with bonus points.

After we've handed our written work in, we're given a ten minute break in which I finally get around to texting Asami:

Me: Sorry, I slept in and we only just got a break. The game is easy, you must suck.

Me: Anyway, sorry if I'm quiet today. It's the field trip later - monster slaying time! :)

I wait patiently, but there's no reply. Maybe she's getting ready to fly back. Maybe she's already on a plane. I hope so - I've actually kinda missed her. There's an hour of English left before lunch, an hour that thankfully goes by quickly, because Kya is awesome and keeps the class well-entertained whilst teaching. Even so, I'm both excited and relieved when the lunch bell rings, and I practically sprint down the west wing towards the cafeteria, leaving Bolin and Mako in a trail of dust and almost bowling Jinora, Opal and Kai over.

"Steady on!" Kai laughs.

"Looking forwards to the field trip, then?" Jinora asks, rolling her eyes.

"You know it," I grin, then walk with them the rest of the way to the cafeteria. I suppose there's no real point in rushing, it's not like I'll be able to force the hunt to start any earlier.

"I suppose you'll get to do the hunts soon too, right Jinora? Any news on your cube five transfer?" I ask.

"Dad- uh, Mr Rosenberg says it'll likely be in a week or two. And then I finally get to do the cool stuff, like watch your back out there."

"Hey, I've gotten this far without you!" I say, winking.

Once we're at the cold-food counter I quickly pick out a light meal - a simple chicken and mayo roll, and a nice, ice-cold coke. Nothing new there, I suppose. I hurry to sit at our table, then wolf my sandwich down, and quickly finish my coke, belching loudly.

"You know you'll give yourself indigestion, right?" Mako says, joining me at the table with a loud yawn. Looks like he's eating light too, having purchased a tuna sandwich and a yogurt. He does love his yogurts, almost as much as I love my coke.

"I don't do indigestion," I say, smirking.

"Whoa, you're finished already?" Bolin asks, sitting down with a giant tray of food. I glance over it all, feeling pretty sure he bought one of everything, and I'm almost mesmerised by the way he digs into one thing after another, like he's this bottomless pit of hunger.

Two bread rolls, a bowl of leek soup, a pot of lasagne and a jumbo pack of cheese biscuits later, it's twenty past one, we're about to head to the best lesson ever, and I can scarcely stop myself hopping around in excitement.

"Have fun guys," Opal laughs, pecking Bolin on the lips before we head to the North wing.

As always, we meet outside the North entrance, and I'm immediately confused to see that only Su Beifong is here. We need Lin here too, since we're only allowed out with both teachers; extra safety and all that.

"Hello everyone!" Su beams, waiting patiently by her moped for the cube to assemble. I'm grateful that my fellow cubonians are prompt, and that all sixteen of us arrive with at least five minutes to spare. "Miss Beifong isn't feeling well, so we're doing a smaller hunt today," Su says, and I struggle to contain my disappointment, more so when she tells us that we're to hunt dire-badgers.

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