Coming Clean

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I'm floating around in blackness, hearing nothing, seeing nothing. Am I dead? Is this what it feels like, a whole bunch of nothing?

"Well, that was idiotic," a familiar voice says, just behind me. I turn around to see Kyoshi, shaking her head. "Don't you dare die on her, Korra." she says, raising a single finger.

"Well, I'll try, but I think it's out of my hands," I say, shrugging.

"She might never forgive herself for this, even if you live," Kyoshi sighs.

"I'll make her," I smile.

"Ah, you've found your confident side, I see. I like it," Kyoshi smirks.

"Do you think she's turned feral?" I ask, noticing I'm suddenly stood atop a wooden floor. Looks like Kyoshi's chambers have materialised around us, with candles dimly glowing on the nearby shelves.

"The fact you're alive would suggest not," she says, walking to her weapons cabinet and drawing out her silver-tipped fans.

"So... it worked?" I ask, smiling.

"Perhaps. It was a bold move... how did you know?"

"I... didn't. All I know is my blood healed Asami really quickly the first time she drank from me. It was pretty much instant, compared to when you turned and had to heal."

"That is... very observant," Kyoshi muses, looking at me with one eyebrow raised. Could it be that she's impressed? The Kyoshi?

"Live through this, and perhaps I shall be," she grins. Suddenly, I hear Asami, her voice slipping into my consciousness.

"Don't die... please don't die..." She repeats it over and over, sounding clearly panicked, probably not helped by the fact she's high on my blood. I wish I could open my eyes and tell her not to worry...

"Hey, do you think she'll try to turn me?" I ask Kyoshi.

"No. You are drained, so it would kill you or turn you feral immediately," Kyoshi explains, crouching into a fighting stance, opening her fans and practising a few moves, the candles flickering from the sudden gusts of air.

"Damn. I kind of wanted to give it a try," I admit, grinning.

"You should be careful what you wish for, Korra," Kyoshi says, standing upright and snapping one of the fans closed.

"I dunno, it doesn't seem so bad," I smile, remembering how powerful I felt when Kyoshi changed.

"To be hated by so many, it is not an easy path..." Kyoshi sighs, and I feel like an idiot, remembering just what both she and Asami have been through.

"What did you do!?" Huh, who's that... Katara? Whoa, she sounds pissed.

"Save her, please!" I've never heard desperation in Asami's voice before. It's a little selfish, but I can't help but smile that she probably likes me more than she lets on.

"They're probably giving me a blood transfusion," I say, yawning. Damn... I'm so tired all of a sudden.

"This bodes well, stay strong, Korra," Kyoshi smiles.

"I will do," I grin, but then a sudden wave of blackness pulses around me, making me feel sick to my stomach. I quickly lose sight of Kyoshi, of everything, and I'm drowning in a pool of darkness, spinning around and around, making me dizzy.

And then, I feel nothing. I don't know how much time passes, but sometimes I feel heavy, almost conscious, sure that I detect movement around me.

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