Play To Win

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Okay. So, I'm still mildly stoned, there's an hour until we all meet up, and I have absolutely no clue what to wear.

"Don't suppose you have any ideas?" I ask Raava.

"You are using my ages-old wisdom... to ask for fashion advice?"

"I suck at this though. I wear vests or vests."

"You wish to know what Asami would like." Raava's form shimmers brightly at the words, and it feels like she's smirking at me.

"I never said that," I pout, looking through my wardrobe. Man, I'm hungry, stupid stoner munchies. I grab a protein bar from my dresser drawer, and chew it on it whilst idly flicking through the stuff on my hangers. I'm pretty sure I haven't worn half this stuff, and some of it wouldn't even fit on my arms anymore... I have the gym to thank for that.

"The thing is, I don't have anything... sexy," I sigh.

"So you do want to impress her!"

"Ugh, no, I just want to look good," I say, knowing I'm lying every bit as much as Raava does.

"Be yourself, Korra. Like Kyoshi said."

I scan through my drawers, and then my wardrobe a second time, grunting because nothing seems good enough. Suddenly my phone buzzes, and I panic when I realise I've already lost thirty minutes doing absolutely nothing.

Asami: Wanna head to the club together?

I smile.

Me: Sounds good

Asami: Okay, I'll grab you in twenty minutes

Shit, I need to get a move on! Okay, I'll just go with this one, I think, pulling out a faded blue and white shirt. I start out with most of the buttons undone, and I'm a little embarrassed about the obvious cleavage on display. I fiddle around in the mirror, fastening all the buttons. Too smart, makes me look stiff. How about one button undone? No, still no good. Two? Three. Okay there's the cleavage again. But, I suppose it looks good? Man, I suck at this, but I'll leave it at three.

"Huh, looks okay," I figure, twisting my shoulders side to side.

Okay, pants. Maybe I'll go less baggy than usual, and show off my ass for once. I hold up my only pair of skinny jeans, black and barely worn, and scrutinise them.

"Do it," Raava chuckles.

"Fine, fine. If it looks bad I have you to blame," I laugh, then grunt whilst squeezing myself into the damn things. Lastly, I grab a pair of black trainers, which is my spare pair that I keep for nights out, and study myself in my full-length wardrobe mirror.

"Not bad," I tell myself, though I'm thinking maybe I could change my hair for once. Yeah. Okay. I sit down and check the phone, seeing I have five minutes left. Just enough time to tie it up into a neat bun.

I'm applying the finishing touches, coaxing a few strands to hang down either side of my face, when there's a knock at my door, and my heart just about leaps from my chest.

"Go get her tiger," Raava growls.

"Oh shush," I scold her, "and I'll talk to you later." I hear her chuckle in response, then vanish from my thoughts.

I open the door to see a very confident, and very sexy-looking Asami. She's wearing a light purple tee, and a long, brown leather jacket, with dark red padding and gold buckles on the collar, crimson jeans, and her long, buckled boots. Not that it matters really, since I'm fairly sure she'd make anything she wore look good.

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