The Bigger Picture

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My dreams are abstract, filled with fleeting, blurred images of cream flesh against bronze, mine against hers. Gasps and groans fill my mind, my own sounds, her sounds, mixed together in some strange but beautiful symphony. Parts of the dream seem more real than others, like right now, where I'm looking down to see long, black hair draped across my thighs, and piercing green eyes, looking up at me. Fuck... it feels so good... her tongue feels so good...

"Well this seems awfully familiar," Raava chuckles.

"Raava! What the fuck!" I growl, feeling myself blush furiously - if that's even possible in a dream.

"Seems like your first dream literally came true!" she laughs.

"Please stop," I mumble, putting my hand over my face.

"Sorry." Raava apologises, though I'm sure she looks more amused than sorry,"All joking aside, I am happy for you..." she says, shimmering brightly.

"Thanks..." I say, though I feel suddenly on edge. I should be happy. No, I am happy, but at the same time I can't help but feel fear, gnawing away at me.

"Is something the matter?" Raava asks.

"I think I'm just worried about tomorrow. Asami must be too, but she doesn't really show it."

"I would imagine she is. Have you considered the full implication of what she is about to do?"

I frown, "What do you mean? Obviously the students will all know..."

"And do you really think they will keep it to themselves?" Raava asks, and I feel a sudden jolt of panic at the words.

"Oh, shit!" I curse, feeling like a complete idiot, "the whole world will find out... It could ruin her entire company!" I exclaim, and almost smack myself in my dream-face. This explains her nerves last Thursday... I knew there was more to this, I mean she'd probably just agreed to put her entire life on the line, and there I was, pestering her to train me. I'm such a selfish idiot...

"She probably appreciated the distraction," Raava says, "and I bet knocking you into the dirt a few times alleviated her stress," she chuckles.

"Gee, thanks." I pout, "I don't understand why she'd do this though... she has so much to lose."

"I would imagine the council picked her for a reason. A strong, trusted role model among humanity."

"Yeah, Satotech has done a lot of good. I just hope the whole world doesn't turn against her..."

"As do I..."

I fold my arms and close my eyes, almost immediately conjuring a picture of Asami in my mind, her smiling lips, and her playful, green eyes. It's hard to believe she's anything other than human, sometimes, and it's hard to imagine anyone would try to hurt her. But they might, I mean, I did, and anxiety wells in my chest thinking about it, thinking that if I'm capable of that, who knows what other people might do.

"She is strong, Korra."

"I know... but still. I just wish there was something I could do..."

Apparently my dream-anxiety is enough to wake me, because my eyes snap open. I'm lying on my back, peering to the left, towards a moonlit sky through one of the three long windows in the room.

"You're awake?" Asami asks. Man, I don't know if I'd ever get used to the not-sleeping thing. I can't decide if it's creepy or cute to be watched over.

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