Suck on Sauron

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Turns out Asami wasn't kidding when she said she had a damn mansion here. The driveway alone is the size of one quarter of the campus grounds, and I'm just as in awe as everyone else, gawping at the sheer scale of the building as we walk to the double front doors.

"So this is how the other side lives," Kai says, swinging his arms out.

"Hey, I earned this," Asami smirks, pushing open the large red doors and walking inside, "Are you coming in, or are you going to gawp all night?"

We all huddle in, our shoes causing faint echoes when we step onto the polished, dark wood flooring. Most of the walls are painted in magnolia, although there's a dark red feature wall right at the end of the room, by the foot of a long, curved staircase, with a portrait of a woman looking strikingly similar to Asami. Maybe it actually is her, but photo-shopped older to look like her mother.

One thing's clear right away - there's nobody home. "So you usually leave this place empty?" I ask, thinking it's such a waste.

"Well, maintenance come in occasionally, and I allow certain staff to stay here from time to time."

"Lucky staff," I mutter, looking up. The entrance hall alone is four times bigger than my room back home, which is quite big, by the way. There's obviously at least one floor above us, maybe two, and a long hallway stretching both to the left and right.

"Guest rooms are down there," Asami points to my right, "Pick yourselves a room before we get settled, they should all be clean."

Everyone hurries away excitedly, and I'm about to join them when I feel my arm trapped in a grip, and then Asami's lips right against my ear, "Not you," she purrs, "For you, I have something else in mind."

I wait for her to tell me she's fucking with me. She doesn't. "I-uh," suddenly it's a little too hot in here, and even hotter when I feel her teeth lightly nibble at my neck, "And what would that be," I manage to ask, somehow.

My face glows hotter and hotter as she whispers very descriptive things into my ear about exactly where she's going to put her teeth, and her tongue, until I'm crawling out of my skin desperate to be doing precisely all of those things right now. "And that's just for starters," she says, pulling back to peck me on my burning cheek.

"Asami..." I growl, glaring at her.

"Oh, I like that look," she smirks, "I hope you show it to me again later," she says, looking past me. Seems everyone's on their way back, having picked out their rooms.

"You're not picking one, Korra?" Bolin asks, and Mako rolls his eyes, fluffing his brother's hair.

"Bo, we've talked about this. Think about the words before you talk," he says, grinning, as Bolin forms an 'Oh' with his mouth.

"I was right though," Jinora beams, and before I can stop her, "You two definitely make the hottest couple!"

"Jinny!" I exclaim, "we're not a... uh..." I feel myself blushing furiously now. Asami just laughs, and shakes her head.

"Follow me," she says, taking my hand. I pause, looking down, realising it's the first time she's done that, but I don't say anything. I just enjoy the touch, and follow her down the left wing with a no-doubt goofy smile on my face, though I do turn my head once to glare at Opal, who's singing.

"Korra and Asami, sitting in a tree, f, u, c, k, i-" she stops mid-song at my death stare, and laughs instead.

"Tree fucking is hard, I don't recommend it," Asami mutters, and I decide it's best not to ask for an elaboration. She leads us into a spacious room, to a chorus of excited gasps from the group. There's two long, black leather sofas, I think four-seaters, opposite each other, a large curve-screened TV at the end, and five giant squishy beanbags scattered around. There's also suspicious-looking plants on the left, illuminated underneath small lamps, and bongs lining all the way across three shelves above. There's even a damn vending machine in here, stocked full of goodies, on free vend.

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